Link'n Red by Ennovasol : Digital transformation for companies

Hola, una respuesta explicita, con un buen aporte comercial.


Gracias Antonio !!! Cualquier duda o comentario, estamos para servirte
#TronStrong #sTRONg #TRX #LinknRed :muscle: :grinning:


Gracias por todo, esté seguro que si tengo duda o comentario me pondré en contacto con ustedes.


You guys are amazing, which means that with this solutions paper :newspaper_roll: invoices will totally be eliminated, kudos to you guys for this wonderful solution


Thank you for your detailed response. Your electronic invoicing and eCommerce solution seems like a great way to simplify and automate our billing process. I am definitely interested in learning more about how it could work for our company. Can you please provide more information about the implementation process, pricing, and any other details we should consider before making a decision? Thank you again for your help!


had time today to explore your website and submission. Great idea.
We are going paperless


It’s a great project!! Could you explain more about how blockchain is used in the logistics area and what are the benefits?


The integration of blockchain technology into the logistics module offers a wide range of use cases and benefits for companies.

For example, in the process of shipping and tracking goods, blockchain technology can be used to record real-time tracking information. This allows companies and their customers to have complete and transparent visibility of the location and status of their products throughout the shipping and delivery process. Furthermore, having an immutable record of all information, blockchain technology ensures authenticity and data security.

Another common use case is supply chain management, where blockchain technology allows for the recording and tracking of every step of the production process, from the acquisition of raw materials to the delivery of the final product. This enables greater transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain, improving efficiency, trust, and decision-making.

Blockchain technology can also be used in inventory management, where immutable records of the quantity and condition of products can be created in real-time. This allows for greater accuracy in inventory management and a reduction in errors and fraud.

That’s why the integration of blockchain technology into the logistics module of LinknRed offers a wide variety of use cases that improve efficiency, transparency, and security in business processes.


Interesting, Keep on building :clap::muscle:

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Thank you for your comments! :grinning: :fire:

Blockchain technology has enormous potential to transform the logistics sector. Additionally, events such as the TRON Hackathon are a great opportunity for developers, companies, and entrepreneurs to collaborate and work together to bring innovation to the industry. Let’s keep building and moving forward together.


You are highly welcome sir :pray:

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Hola, es muy interesante la integración de la blockchain a la logística, ha supuesto un gran avance en el control de inventario de productos. Muy buen trabajo


blockchain in every corner, great one.

I want Ghana to use it in registration of properties and even education certificate.


@JavierGarza I hope it is possible to build a platform like that


Thank you for your detailed response, I find it very interesting how LinknRed is implementing blockchain technology in their digital and business tools. Congratulations!!

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Gracias por tus comentarios Antonio, esto nos motivan para seguir construyendo :muscle:

Te comparto un ejemplo de como las herramientas de LinknRed pueden favorecer la cadena de suministro y aumentar la Eficiencia, Transparencia, Seguridad y Trazabilidad.

Un ejemplo concreto de cómo la tecnología blockchain puede ser DISRUPTIVA en la logística es su capacidad para mejorar la trazabilidad y la transparencia en la cadena de suministro.

Supongamos que una empresa de productos alimenticios quiere garantizar que su carne sea segura para el consumo y que cumple con todas las regulaciones y requisitos sanitarios. Tradicionalmente, la empresa tendría que depender de terceros para verificar que la carne cumple con estos requisitos y asegurar que no se pierda en la cadena de suministro.

Sin embargo, con la tecnología blockchain, la empresa podría utilizar una plataforma descentralizada que permita la trazabilidad completa de la carne, desde su origen hasta su destino final. Cada etapa de la cadena de suministro podría ser registrada en la blockchain de manera segura y transparente, lo que permitiría a la empresa y a sus clientes rastrear el historial completo de la carne y verificar su autenticidad.

Además, la blockchain podría utilizarse para asegurar que los requisitos sanitarios se cumplan en cada etapa de la cadena de suministro. Los proveedores, transportistas y minoristas podrían registrar los datos relevantes en la blockchain y la empresa podría verificar de manera confiable que se han cumplido los requisitos.

Este ejemplo muestro cómo la tecnología blockchain puede ser disruptiva en la logística al permitir una trazabilidad completa y segura de los productos, eliminando intermediarios costosos y mejorando la eficiencia, transparencia y seguridad de la cadena de suministro.

Espero que esta información que te comparto ayude a comprender el camino hacía donde nos dirigimos.





Thank you David, your comments motivate us to continue building and moving forward.

We will be here for any questions or comments

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Great recommendation! It’s always inspiring to see individuals and projects actively involved in hackathons and contributing to the growth of the TRON ecosystem. I’m working on a project that’s putting an end to dirty gold mining.

I’m curious, do you promote affiliate offers in the blockchain space?


Hola, muchas gracias por su extensa explicación, ya estaba al caso de como funcionaba todo el proceso hasta llegar al cliente final, y verdaderamente es tal como usted lo ha explicado.