Gas fees are too high. I believe its time to lower them.
Low gas fees for the win
But I think by freezing trx you are able to get free gas for transactions
Yeah free gas to a limit. And lower costs is always better.
Yep lower gas is always better
This is always a good idea
I believe it should stay where it is. If you dont want to pay, freeze TRX! I freeze enough for 3-4 transactions a day. Plus you get to grow your bag by staking.
You can buy energy
your first approach should be to freeze trx for free transactions and you earn a decent apy on it. then another option is to to rent - tokengoodies or tronlending. burning trx should be the last option - because yes its expensive.
BUT thanks to all the people taking the expensive route we burn trx and trx has been deflationary for many months in a row lol!!
Yes, thank you to all the people burning to make that $TRX price slightly higher every day.
Nice suggestions​:+1: , the fess sucks
This is really something we should push for.
For sure let our voices be heard
good idea by the way, best of luck for your mission
This is a much needed discussion. The fees have gotten too high to the point it is a roadblock. New users need to spend about $3-$5 to purchase an NFT. Too much.
New users need to learn how to get free energy if thats a problem for them.
With Tron you get the best of both worlds, Free energy or burn TRX to get it. Are people just that unaware you can get free energy by freezing??
People are very very unaware. Most of us on this page can be considered enthusiasts, most people just want it to work and be cheap. They can’t be bothered to freeze or learn. This is fine, it isn’t on us to make people learn what they don’t want to learn but it also is a true roadblock in sentiment and onboarding users so we must balance what is important. The question is where is that balance… Is it where we are? A little lower? A little higher?
Perhaps stop buying NFTs? Just focus on tokens
That is not a solution. If we wan’t Tron to succeed then we have to adapt to what will bring and keep people on Tron. Telling people to stop buying NFTs would harm the ecosystem IMO.
Yeah we have to think about the little guys on this one, We need to create more opportunities for micro investors. It’s hard to compound DeFi rewards with expensive transaction fees.