Merkaxat - Revolutionizing shopping with AI and blockchain

Thanks for your questions!

We’ve chosen the Tron blockchain as our platform’s foundation due to its high scalability and low transaction costs, which are ideal for handling the frequent transactions and data throughput we anticipate. Specifically, we plan to handle payments and securely store user information on-chain, leveraging Tron’s efficiency and speed.

Regarding the hackathon, we opted for the Integration category because it best aligns with our goal of seamlessly integrating blockchain technology into a user-friendly application.

This category reflects our commitment to creating a solution that not only enhances functionality but also ensures a smooth and intuitive user experience.

Thank you for your replying to me and I did not know that there is a country like Andorra until you talk about it

It’s a beautiful and inviting country. You should definitely visit if you get the chance!

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Heyy! We are making some improvements in the app, I’ll update the post tomorrow with some screenshots. :framed_picture:

The idea of a burn is a good initiative as scarcity creates a direct impact to prices of tokens, way to go. Thanks for clarifying and goodluck on everything.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Any other questions, you are welcome to ask !

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Your explanation clears things up nicely for me. It’s impressive how you’ve structured the app to cater to both individual users and businesses, especially through the subscription model for the businesses. Keep up the excellent work in bridging the gap between online and offline shopping experiences :raised_hands:

Thanks a lot @Chizz ! I’ll keep updating with our progress, any other question let us know! :slight_smile:

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Hii!! We are adding a new feature to the app, now the commerce locations are going to be displayed:

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More updates, playing live with it:

We will soon upload this new version to test.

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The app has been updated with the new version :slight_smile:

Good Sunday to everyone! It’s quiet here today. I hope you’re all enjoying your weekend! :sunglasses: :sun_with_face:

Finally had some time during the weekend to check out your app, and I must say it looks promising.

I love how intuitive it is; you can chat with businesses just like you would with a friend.

Congrats on a great job!

Wow, thanks! I’m glad you liked it. The idea was exactly that—making it easy to use and similar to other communication apps people use daily.

If you have any ideas for new features we should add, let me know!

Sorry been a bit busy to answer sooner.

So far I like what you are doing and I think new developments take time, and you must start with the basics to make it work, and at a later stage add new features.

But would love for example if you had the option the call directly the business from the app. I think sending voice messages, images or videos is already on the table, that’s cool too.

Following your disqualification from the community voting stage, will it affect the development of this project?

Not at all! We are in the process of closing some partnerships outside crypto world, that will help us a lot in the coming stages.

Thanks for your interest @Chizz !

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Glad to know that your disqualification from the voting stage won’t affect your determination to continue building your project. Hopefully, you will be selected to win from the bonus prize. Best of luck to you

Thank you @Chizz ! That would be of great help to run some marketing campaigns :smiley:

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can u plz provide test instructions?