Messari Report for TRON & USDD

TRON sees average growth of 193k new accounts per day. This is huge!
What do you think the reason of these growth could be?


Tron over the years has seen this surge in new accounts opened. Mostly these new accounts has been attributed to the cheap transaction cost the blockchain has to offer. But recently i can say this new accounts are really due to the continuous update and partnerships tron is introducing and the vibrant community tron has that always tries to propagate the gospel about tron.

I think those who slept on tron are now waking up to the reality.


More users coming in
As holders, traders, bypasser( who use just for transaction)

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Yeah the partnerships with countries are strong.

Hopefully that will help the ecosystem too.

But I am really awed by the numbers it’s huge.

Bypassers will definitely use the cheap transaction route.

Especially for small transactions, paying $3-8 on EVM is not feasible.

The bypasser I mean, the users only using for cheap and fast transaction.

En mi opinión Tron se está expandiendo, está realizando varias asociaciones y continuamente presenta novedades, a parte de estar realizando la transición a la web3.

Existen varios factores:

Red de Tron, rápida, confiable, cabe destacar los proyectos construidos y que se están construyendo que aportan más usuarios a la cadena.

Red BTTC, en este caso añadiriamos los mismo que en la red de Tron, además de un plus es más barata, mucha gente la utiliza para descargar archivos, entre otros. Podemos decir su cadena lateral, el puente.

La comunidad está ayudando a expandir el conocimiento de Tron, aunque este factor pase desapercibido para muchos, se está realizando un gran trabajo y estos somo nosotros.

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