Why do we see a lot of people holding $usdt on tron but projects on #Tron have a few users

A lot of people are you using $usdt on tron to do their transactions which means they use tron Blockchain but when it comes to projects on tron, we do not see all these people there.

We are not doing something right?
What can be done to get all these people to patronize tron Blockchain projects?


Well I will like us to find out more

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Even #binance uses tron more :grinning:
Yes we should know and if you should correct something it should be done asap


Hola, creo que es un tema el cual debe analizarse a fondo para poder saber si estas personas están o no.
En mi opiniĂłn la gente conoce Tron por su rapidez y por ser una red econĂłmica, entonces la usan para transaccionar.

Todo lo que compone proyectos, NFT, juegos, es bastante nuevo para el público, lo que hace que no lo vean como tal, falta también mucha publicidad por parte de los proyectos que ya están en el mercado, y también educar a la gente que Tron es más que una cadena de bloques, que existen otras funciones que pueden invertir en ellas, que hay público para poder extenderse.


Well well written bro, could it be they have tried it but it didn’t work as they were expecting?


Puede no funcionar por varios motivos, por falta de comunidad en un proyecto, publicidad o que no se supo entregar el trabajo final sobre lo que se habĂ­a prometido a la gente.


i saw many projects migrating to other chains too, and never understand why =|

i saw this from BEM token :

" Why is BEMT being migrated to BSC?

Currently, BEMT Network is based on the TRON network, and despite the popularity of TRON, it has been plagued by significant problems. TRON’s current management is a little behind from its peak, which has led to some issues on its network like changing its dex as you may be aware of " * June 28, 2022

but i dont know what is that “changing its dex” =S

anyway , hope its fixed and tron upgrade to be a better network for developers , because that’s the only reason tron is not top 6 in coinmarketcap …


I think we need to hear from the developers side. They may know what we are lacking. Thank you bro.


Tron current management are trying their best and I think they need more feedback from us to develop


This sounds funny but raw truth, I think quality projects like #TuruVerse by @TuruGlobal @Fuzzy-Ocean @Tronbies will attract more users to Tron ecosystem, if we can get more projects and builders like @TuruGlobal honestly things will change rapidly, but I think @trondao via Hackathon is a nice setup to harness talented builders to build on Tron .


More developer tools and plugins available for other platforms. My experience is I have to create most code from scratch with Tron. In my opinion its a matter of speed, ease and integration. Getting Tron with Wallet connect working would be a great help.


Thanks for your contribution Sir. I believe @trondao @admin.hackathon are taking notes


Does anyone know how I can get ERC1155 contract to compile on Tron?
I imported lots of contracts from OpenZeppelin but count not get those on Tron.

Is there a way around this or I would need to re-implemnet those contract?

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Hola, se ha puesto en telegram en desarrolladores de Tron, probablemente ellos le puedan ayudar.

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@TronNinjas can you please help?

I tried months ago to no avail. I ended up just making multiple contracts with a Proxy fallback function.

Exactly, what I am doing before reading your response.

I am making all the dependent contracts and have them imported.
Before I can proceed with the implementation of the NFT contract I am writing

How could I convert an integer to string in TRC721?
i am looking to achieve this:

  tokenURIs[currentTickedId] = TokenURI(

I am getting Declaration error

Did you initialize currentTicketId and VIP_TICKET_ID?

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Well, yes. I implemented the Strings.sol contract then imported it

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