miniMEME: A Tron Blockchain-Powered IoT Platform

:drum: :drum: :drum:

The miniMEME project have won a bonus prize :trophy: in the Hackatron season 7 !!!

:partying_face: :sparkles: :partying_face:

:framed_picture: :bar_chart: :arrow_forward:

:partying_face: :sparkles: :partying_face:

Thank you:

@SimbadMarino @Youngyuppie @Relate101 @ines_valerie @manfred_jr @wale @princes @Saingstood @ferrari @nummiman @queencute @Yamb @BertJanRider @mehdidotcafe @Limited @TechSmart @DavidA @Putri28 @Shangra1 @Okorie @Smart1 @Smiles @AKing1997 @Anderson @Judibomm @maaz @constantinpricope201 @Murad @Adesewa @chijanny2

And everyone interacting with the miniMEME project !

On the landing page, the top right corner now shows this achievement :trophy:



Congratulations to this milestone, a win is a win, this is just a step in the right direction as you progress further, keeping fingers crossed to see what more innovation you have in store as your journey continues.
Wishing you a happy holidays!! :tada::heartpulse:


Thank you very much and happy holidays to you as well !

Congratulations to you for all your efforts that you have gotten reward, this is the very proof that you have do really great work. Merry Christmas and a happy new year in advance to you!!


Thank you very much and happy holidays to you as well ! :christmas_tree:


Congratulations :clap::clap: all the best as you continue to build :handshake:

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congratulations on this great milestone you win .wishing you very good luck for future journey :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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Congratulations :clap: That is the reward of continue building. Keep the spirit high

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Thank you very much !

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Thank you very much @Murad

Thank you very much @Youngyuppie

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