Negative perception about cryptocurrency

The negative perception of cryptocurrencies depends on several factors.
One of them is that people who move away from this space is because they have not understood this world.
When talking about cryptocurrencies, the first thing that comes to mind is fast money, unaware that there are more factors that involve them.


This people who are in a haste to get the money fast are those who are likely to be duped easily.

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Please don’t conclude it not only those set of people
Any one can get dump or duped.

Even the guru can be at victim too

In as much we tend to look at the positive aspects of crypto currency, the negative activities carried out in the space is really troubling. It has caused many people to keep skeptical about crypto as a whole

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@Kara do you think
The negative effects of CRYPTO
Would be regulated
Or it will be spreading ???


The limits of blockchain technology isn’t known as many people are still exploring. I don’t think is can be regulated. More ways maybe built-in to curb known attacks but we can say the same to those attacks that are yet to manifest


Very good point you made there.

But lately we have seen some
Controversy about CRYPTO regulations.

I always preach solving decentralization problem through decentralization way.

Trying to bring in centralized entity as regulators will cause more harm than good


Yes .
I just wish decentralized will be left decentralized
And centralized will be centralized

The government seeking for centralisation don’t care … The need their authority
To be controlling what was meant to be decentralized