Negative perception about cryptocurrency

oh yeah if you do not sit up and learn the real crypto, you will always think those scams are the Crypto people have been talking about

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Thank you antonio for your words of encouragement, how can we make this a safer place, online I see stories of life savings being lost to the low life who are taking advantage an abusing emotions and trust


I had another look at the crybitus site and can now see the flaws in it, of hindsight is so good! Today I am going to do my best rasie issues across the net to try to warn newbies - i have rasied a report with Binance and hope that more newbies can have their eyes opened allbeit with high intelleigent and skillful scammers

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the first day you posted the name here, I did some search and realized it’s a scam site. This usually happens to many. we do not get time to do our own research about these sites before we invest but when we locked our funds, we spent hours to do research on them. it has happened to me so I won’t blame newbies. When I started crypto, I used to jump on any investment platform I see especially those who give high ROI and within short periods

personally I will say we can try our best to create awareness of these but can’t stop it.
I have been posting some security tips.
What happened to you is just for the start and if you do not stay vigilant more will follow through different means

Search for security tips on this forum and read through, you may find some helpful :pray:
There are a lot here, can’t post all

This should be a collective effort by anyone who feels this crypto space needs sanity.
We can’t eliminate scammers altogether but we can atleast sound the Alarm for people not to fall prey.

I was scammed by tronEX, only got to know they were scam through a YouTube video after i lost all my trx.
The video about the warning has been uploaded on YouTube months ago but i never saw it.

So i asked the guy who did the video that how come i didnt see his video till i was scammed. And he said the moment the lies about a project are more than the only truth fighting them, youtube algorithm makes it hard for your video to be seen.

In other words, people are paid to spread alot of lies to cover your truth.
The same people who spread the lies will later come and scream “RUN” and it is at this time his truth will be unearthed.

Such a crazy world


Thank you for these additional tips, with savings severely dented I will need to go slowly and carefully, the lessons: if it is too good to be true then it probably is not true!

That is really scary and so true in terms of the coverup consiracy , I did check out youtube for crybitus before being caught out, I have since checked and there are no posts about the fake site, but google does reveal some warnings. The frustration is in knonwign where it was sent, the address, and being helpless to retrieve funds as you say: Such a crazy world!

I think after the FTX debacle and the United States via the SEC taking stringent actions on Crypto and labelling promising projects as securities and also witch hunting CZ and Binance so alot of investors and potential investors exiting the space.


you are welcome bro
stay safe

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Thank you mate.
Yes the crypto education shouldn’t be one sided.

Same way we are taught
The advantage and disadvantage of
Drinking adequate water daily.

Same should crypto education be.

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En principio ser tu el que invierte, no dejarlo en manos de nadie, tu dinero.
2. No poner todo en el mismo capazo.
3. Primero haber estudiado los pros y los contras de la criptografia.
4. Investigar la veracidad del proyecto y quien estĂĄ detrĂĄs.
5. No escuchar las noticias de la prensa, ni los inversores de criptomonedas que te aseguran que te vas a hacer rico.
6. Nunca inviertas lo que no puedas perder, es un tĂłpico pero es verdad.


Its easy saying this now :slight_smile: No seriously there are some wise words here. They got me so well, I started with small deposits and withdrawals and succesful trades - all a scam as the information on the crybit is not real, my money went into another acociunt and it looked as if it was there on the site, they were prepared to risk a small loss knowing I was on the hook! Just show as all ages we are students, learning and making mistakes

No te desanimes todos de una manera u otra hemos pasado por lo mismo.
Y la satisfacciĂłn que ahora obtenemos, es que hemos aprendido.
Y vamos camino a la libertad.

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Thanks for the guidelines
I totally like the last point

Not inventing more I can feel comfortable to lose
Also, no one is verified to be Financial adviser.
So that one is clear.


That is the funny part, a newbie that just joined ponzi will tag him or herself as a crypto investor :joy::joy:


hahahaha not his or her fault.
That was what he or she was told

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Sure :smiley: exactly no two ways about it :joy:


Thank you for a new place not to be ie ponzi! As for FA I so agree, why I was drawn to crpto is that FA’s are all seeking to gain our money and their comission or worse! I have a brain and can learn albeit one significant error and the promises were great :slight_smile:


you are welcome bro
 We are all here to learn. In crypto sometimes you learn the hard way and what happened to you is one. Please make sure it does not happen to you again and try your best to educate your family and friends about this :pray:

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