OmniaVerse - The Web3 Entertainment Ecosystem

Hi @OmniaVerse :wave:

Despite the fact that this hackathon is called HackaTron, you are allowed to participate with a product built on Tron, BTTC or both.

Since you are an nft/gamefi project I would advise you to go for BTTC.
Here is why:

  1. Fees: while Tron blockchain got more and more expensive, on bttc a transaction gasfee is about $0.00001 - $0.000001. This fits perfectly the needs of low cost transactions for GameFi projects.
  2. BTTC is Tron layer 2 solution and a bridge: if you are on BTTC it is convenient to bridge tokens from BSC to BTTC and back. Can also be bridged to Tron if needed.
  3. BTTC is EVM and you are already on EVM chains. So it should be easier for you to expand on BTTC.

BTTC is still very green. But that could also be positive as everything has to be built and early actors might attract more users and holders.

If you have a token that you want to list on a DEX, I’m working for JustMoney which is on Tron, BTTC, Ethereum, BSC and Polygon. So feel free to dm me anytime :ok_hand:


Thanks for the question! Our project here for the HackaTRON will be to deploy our ecosystem onto the TRON or BTCC networks!

We have a number of NFT series on the market. As of right now, our “Nutless Monkey” NFTs are used for in-game play on our game “Cyborne” (they also serve as a rewards multiplier). We are in the process of getting our “Warrior” NFT series playable in our new game “Fud Escape”. The best place to learn about our full suite of assets is in our TeleGram group.

Our $BLOCK token is used for in-game utility.

And yes, we just released our first Move to Earn app, called “Kinetix”. It is currently available on the Google Play Store and coming soon to iOS.

Download here:

Press Release: OmniaVerse Launches Kinetix: A Revolutionary Move-to-Earn App

Great catch on the repeated paragraphs! I have corrected. Thanks!


At least the world of web3 gaming and entertainment :wink:


The attached contains our current portfolio:
OmniaVerse P2E Games 2023.pdf (3.2 MB)

Current games on Android:

Please join our TeleGram group at Telegram: Contact @omniaverseOfficial for live support.


This is wonderful feedback and I very sincerely appreciate it! DM’ing now :wink:


Thanks for providing these answers. To understand better;

Where can those NFTs be purchased, and is there plan to bridge some of these NFTs to the Tron or BitTorrent chain when you launch your project in any of these chains.

What is the tokenomics of the $BLOCK token and is it tradeable ATM.

I downloaded and tried using the Kinetix App, I travelled for hours yet I couldn’t see any data in my stats. Is this normal?


Here are a few of our existing NFT series:

The Loyalty, Companions, and Warriors were all given to community members as rewards rather than us “selling” them. There are some for sale on OpenSea as you can see.
The Nutless Monkeys we did mint/sell.

I haven’t identified which one exactly, but yes, part of our project here will include the minting (and perhaps to your point, bridging) of some of these NFTs to BTTC. Our goal for this HackaTRON is to bring our ecosystem to BTTC (including our BTTC and at least one game with a utility NFT).

At the moment, $BLOCK is currently on our own Apex network as well as the Core network. Again, part of our project here will be to bring $BLOCK to BTTC.

Links to $BLOCK on Apex and Core:

Sorry to hear about the issues you’re having with Kinetix. I know there were some folks having issues with Samsung devices, so we were working on that yesterday and will be pushing an update soon. If you want to come join our TG group, we can provide you with tech support: Telegram: Contact @omniaverseOfficial


Block is also on BSC, available on Pancakeswap, with the following contract address:


And you can find block also on BRC20 (Bitcoin network) ordinals, named as Bl0c. There, it’s completely free, you just need to spend the gass fees.


Excellent! Thanks for taking your time to give this detailed explanation of your project and plans on bringing it to the BTTC network.

I am :100: % Tronic and will be eagerly waiting to try out your project in the BTTC network.

As regards to bringing your token, $BLOCK, to BTTC network, there is a great Dex in the community where most Tronics always consider first in buying any token from. The platform is Feel free to contact @fabsltsa to discuss further regarding listing your token on the platform.

And yes you’re correct, I am using Samsung and it’s unfortunate that this is happening but I have complete faith in your ability to fixing this issue.

Just joined your Tg group and I will be looking forward to learn more about your project as we grow together as a community.

Wishing you all the best in your HackaTRON participation :pray:


Muy buena información, le agradezco el tiempo tomado para dar estos detalles, me parecen de mucho interes.

Mi placer. Por favor, háganos saber si tiene más preguntas!


After reading through everything, i can see the team to be well vexed in whatever they are doing.
Your response are articulate and leaves no room for doubt.

What you are building is quite great but my issue is sustainability.

I have downloaded and played more crypto games but all of them wasn’t sustainable, rewards started going down into nothingness.
Now some of them pay out 0.04$ are reward per week.

And also realised the team behind those games were interested in always taking money from investors and not really given anything back.
Always creating new NFTs and selling to raise money for themselves.

How does OmniaVerse seek to make their game and reward system sustainable.

What benefits does community members get from revenue generation.


Welcome to another season fam, wishing you all the best

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That’s a really great question. The simple answer is “scalability”, but let me elaborate a bit (actually, a lot):

Gaming is an absolutely massive industry, with upwards of 300 billion in revenue in 2023 alone, and its expected this will continue to increase year over year.
There is clearly a huge untapped market here with big players starting to get involved, but the blockchain gaming industry as a whole has not yet been able to convert that HUGE traditional gamer population into web3 gamers…which is where we come in.

With respect to that large population of traditional gamers, which is where the most opportunity lies, the primary barrier is going to be the steep learning curve due to the involvement of cryptocurrency and smart contracts. This is the customer base that we ultimately need to cater to, so creating a simple experience is going to be critical.

From a technology perspective, the largest and most common networks on which people are trying to build web3 games are incredibly cost prohibitive. Web3 gaming requires a large number of “microtransactions”, and with each transaction on the Ethereum network, for example, costing anywhere between $4 and $40 each, this simply isn’t sustainable. And although some of the newer networks like Polygon and Solana are getting better, they’re still very slow, have long wait times, low network reliability, and limited scalability. So there’s a lot of room for improvement there.

From a user experience perspective: there isn’t a single platform for gamers to easily jump on and just start playing, which is what they want to do. Instead, it’s typically a very convoluted process of depositing fiat into a centralized exchange, then buying some of the network’s native coin (so again using Ethereum as an example), withdrawing that native coin to a non-custodial wallet, buying the gaming token from a decentralized exchange, then connecting to the game and buying an NFT that is required for play.

In the case of “play to earn” and actually benefitting from that, users then need to sell their gaming token on a decentralized exchange, and then essentially reverse the first few steps…so clearly a very convoluted process and as a result, I’m not at all surprised that this category hasn’t exploded yet and onboarded “non-crypto users”.

And then one unfortunate facts of blockchain that remains to this day: there are still a lot of scams, and a lot of users’ hard earned money lost based on speculation and false promise. There’s unfortunately been a lot of game projects that have collected millions of dollars for development and then they simply never deliver.

So there’s some pretty clear issues, but once you understand the problem, its easier to address it. So what’s the solution? Well…WE ARE!

The OmniaVerse ecosystem solves all of these problems by integrating all the parts and pieces under a single roof. OmniaVerse is really a full technology stack, starting with our Apex network, which is our Layer 1, ZERO transaction fee blockchain.

NOTE: We’re clearly offering our ecosystem on other chains, including TRON, but Apex is sort of our home base.

Our Game Dashboard is then the single interface that gamers need to access games and manage their game assets. This is also how we resolve the “scam” issue…we don’t let just any garbage project integrate into our dashboard or blockchain…we have a due dilligence process we conduct that was discussed a few responses above.

Then of course, there’s the content: we actually started off as our own game studio about 18 months ago, and recognizing all of the problems I just went through, we realized that we needed to be more than just a game developer. Nonetheless, we have upwards of 10 games at this point that we’ve used to demonstrate the value of our ecosystem and it’s been very encouraging to see this proof of concept come together and work.

We also recognized that we can’t do it all and that there’s a ton of great independent game developers out there making some really nice content. And by providing these developers with the infrastructure they need to reach users and to capitalize on the inherent benefits of web3 gaming we’ve started to attract some really great talent.

And really all of this is the foundation on which we are placing user experience above all else.

So while everyone is very excited about the Play TO Earn aspect right now, we recognize that we need to be MORE than that, and we have a strategy to become the “the number one choice for Gamers and Game Developers alike”.

And this is where scalability comes in. We recognize that we can’t just “give give give” and be sustainable. Play to Earn for us is really just the first part…and it’s been very useful for us in developing a community base, and to develop our ecosystem as a sort of proof of concept. But as I mentioned, the future is really “Play AND Earn”, so the long term strategy is in building an integrated, easy to use platform (for EVERYONE…not just crypto users), with QUALITY content and unique game mechanics (which is where blockchain really shines with gaming).

We’ve identified more than 30 unique revenue streams at this point, which we are implementing as we scale. With this scale, we can sustain those play AND earn rewards very easily.

Sorry for the long-winded response! I hope that answers it. But sustainability of play AND earn is so much more than just clever tokenomics and such; it’s in the scale of what we’re building…and to convey all that required a long-winded response :blush:


Please have some important questions.

(1) How does Apex’s ZERO-GAS, highly secure, and reliable architecture support cross-chain interoperability.
(2) How does Apex’s proprietary Web2 to Web3 bridge prevent the need to connect games to wallets.
(3) How does Apex’s off-chain Identity and Access Management (IAM) system secured using OAuth tie the on-chain data with off-chain.
(4) How does Apex’s Game Dashboard serve as a hub for P2E/H2E rewards? Can users log in with either their wallet address or ENS ID.
(5) In the next phase of development, how will Apex extend the Game Dashboard to also serve as a game library.
(6) How are Apex’s game-agnostic NFTs (cross-platform) different from traditional NFTs.
(7)How will Apex’s “dynamic” NFTs store metadata from games as it is updated? How will this enable players to power up their characters and make them more valuable.
(8) How does Apex’s cross-chain interoperability compare to other blockchain platform.

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I’m curious to know from the Tron community who they think some of the top and most respected groups or people are for OmniaVerse to do an AMA with. Whether that be in Telegram or Twitter spaces. Tron Specific.


If the targeted audience is Tron community, maybe you can consider an ama with @TuruGlobal and @TronNinjas about the future of GameFi since they are both previous winners of that category with the TuruVerse and TronNinjas.


You just said it all. If it for AMA, u cant bypass @TuruGlobal and @TronNinjas.

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Thank you for your feedback

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Good questions!

(1) How does Apex’s ZERO-GAS, highly secure, and reliable architecture support cross-chain interoperability.

Cross-chain interoperability is achieved through our web2 to web3 bridge (which is network agnostic), coupled with our Ap3x swap, which enables bridging of our tokens between all chains on which they reside.

(2) How does Apex’s proprietary Web2 to Web3 bridge prevent the need to connect games to wallets.

Users “onboard” via the Game Dashboard, which involves creating a unique user name and syncing that to your wallet. By then logging into the games using the same username as the Game Dashboard, this syncs the on-chain and off-chain data (so no need to connect wallets to games themselves)

(3) How does Apex’s off-chain Identity and Access Management (IAM) system secured using OAuth tie the on-chain data with off-chain.

That’s part of the secret recipe.

(4) How does Apex’s Game Dashboard serve as a hub for P2E/H2E rewards? Can users log in with either their wallet address or ENS ID.

Visit to view the current interface. Support for ENS ID login functionality is coming.

(5) In the next phase of development, how will Apex extend the Game Dashboard to also serve as a game library.

There will be a separate section within the Dashboard that provides links to all games within the ecosystem.

(6) How are Apex’s game-agnostic NFTs (cross-platform) different from traditional NFTs.

Many NFTs these days are simply useless .jpegs…all of our NFTs, however, are UTILITY NFTs. For example, if you own a Warrior NFT, you can play as a Warrior in Cyborne or in Fud Escape (so the same NFT character can be used in multiple games).

(7)How will Apex’s “dynamic” NFTs store metadata from games as it is updated? How will this enable players to power up their characters and make them more valuable.

Game history is logged and the metadata within the NFT is updated accordingly, similar to a “save file” in traditional games.

(8) How does Apex’s cross-chain interoperability compare to other blockchain platform.

See response to Q1.