OmniaVerse - The Web3 Entertainment Ecosystem

@OmniaVerse. Thanks for your response I really appreciate



Our in-game utility token $BLOCK is coming to the Tron network on August 21st! After evaluating a number of DEX’s that support Tron, it was a no brainer to go with prior HackaTRON winner JustMoney. Fabs and the team have been fantastic and we appreciate their support.

Once $BLOCK is live, we’ll be minting an exclusive set of in-game character NFTs on Tron, which will be used to demonstrate our OmniaVerse ecosystem on the Tron network. NFTs will be available on our Game Dashboard for a very nominal and accessible fee…and we’ll reserve a few for HackaTRON forum members! We’ll select some of the best questions and send them an NFT, on the house!

More to come!


I believe you are going to do a good job.

Last season a new project did some, launched their token, listed on Justmoney provided liquidity and after sometime after receiving their prizes moved on to different chain and removed their liquidity from Justmoney.

I hope you are not doing this to get the hearts of real tronics. Because we all love Justmoney


That’s a great news! Congratulations on bringing your in-game utility token $BLOCK to the Tron network. It’s commendable that you have evaluated different DEX’s and decided to go with JustMoney. I believe this collaboration will further develop both communities.

More importantly, just like @Prince-Onscolo said, I hope your project stay firm in the Tron ecosystem and not like the other project that use the HackaTRON to grab the cash he needed :wink:

Looking forward to hearing more updates from you!


Another update!

As we were deploying the contract last night, it became (more) clear that the gas/energy on Tron was not going to work for us. In line with our focus on user experience and accessibility, we don’t want to burden the gaming experience with transaction fees.

We have instead decided to pivot to launching on BTTC (still with JustMoney…we should have listened to Fabs in the first place, as that’s what he suggested :man_facepalming:)

We’re working on an updated timeline and will keep you all apprised.

Apologies for the stops and starts.


We’re playing the long game here. In fact, we’ll be adding most of the liquidity ourselves; any sales are just icing on the cake.

Please do see my update on the launch, though (pivoting to BTTC instead of Tron).


Brilliant and very good moves you made on launching on BTTC, cheaper fees with faster transaction, so gamers and users don’t get bored.

Here, suggestions when given is best to look into it and weigh them
For we have expertise with us here

All the best, keep building


good, bttc gives extra lower fees on top of all the good reasons why we use tron so that’s a good move

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When @fabsltsa suggest, you listen without doubting. He is a master craftsman in the crypto game

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Is good you’ve seen reasons with what Fab suggested. It’s never too late to start building. Looking forward to the updated timeline. Best regards.

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Awesome project Omniaverse.
I love omniaverse project :star_struck:


Congratulation omniaverse.
Omnia’s Blockverse utility token to Tron network.


You are welcome @Muazzam
Please have time and go through all submissions and help them with your suggestions. Thank you enjoy your stay

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Goodluck in your tron season 5 journey


Welcome to the TronDao forum community feel free to interact :handshake:

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Love what OmniaVerse is doing!! Finally Web3 gaming will be more accessible to everyone!


With the current praised that have been outpouring here, it makes me wonder, have @OmniaVerse being in the game a long time to build such a reputation??

If i may ask, when was the inception of this noble project.

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Hey Nana, we’ve been actively building since March of 2022 (so about 17 months). During this time, we’ve creating a fantastic and devoted community who has supported us endlessly. It’s in large part to them that we have been so successful and have been able to the utilities we have.

To show our appreciation, we’ve given many rewards to incentives to our early backers, including utility NFTs, generous staking opportunities, and other perks.

Despite all of this, we’re still a bit of a hidden gem (although we expect this to change in the very near future).

Come join our TG group and you’ll see what I mean!


Our utility token $BLOCK Is now on BitTorrent Chain!


Kudos to your project and your team