OnChainVision - Open your eyes on chain worlds

:world_map: We add on our roadmap an interesting concept.

:free::arrows_counterclockwise: Yeah free swaps.

:alarm_clock: October 2024

No free ride, right?

Well we will not charge users with TRX to make a swap as we will provide energy through the router, energy that will be rented. At the end the user gets a smaller amount but he does not need to pay for the transaction.

You swap $USDT for $CCC,
The price is 1 USDT for 100 $CCC,

You want to swap :arrows_counterclockwise: 100 USDT you will get around 10,000 $CCC and pay let’s say 10 TRX as feeβ›½. (Normal case)

Our swap will be:
You want to swap :arrows_counterclockwise: 100 USDT you will get around 9,900 $CCC and will not pay any fee :free::fuelpump:. (Our :free::arrows_counterclockwise: free swap)

Looking for your feedback :thought_balloon: