Project Name: OnChainVision - Open your eyes on chain worlds
Project Track: Builder
Team Name: onchaindev
Team Member(s): @OnChainVision @constantinpricope201 @MirelaIoana24
DevPost Project Link:
Project Goal: Provide aggregated DEX, visual data over Tron(including charts), simple way of paying, an easy way to interact with the chain using mobile devices.
Project Value:
OnChainVision First Submission web3- S4
OnChainVision Second Submission builder- S5
We plan to incorporate users that want to use TRON Network but try to use it with TrustWallet or any other WalletConnect compatible wallet. Through the app we provide a DEX aggregator with in house renting through NRG & ERGON & soon will be added BRUTUS
Project Info:
OnChainVision Features.pdf (5.1 MB)
Project Website:
Project Test Instructions:
Android App OnChainVision
- Have TrustWallet installed
- Open OnChainVision app and Select Network Tron
- Press Connect and choose your wallet
- Go to swap
- Input in down the token you want to sell and what you want to buy
- Input the amount and press ENTER
- Rent+Approve process [Optional if you sell a token]
- Rent+Swap token
- Finish
Telegram @OnChainVisionTronBot
/volume trnguy trx 1d sunswap (/volume token1 token2 timerange dex)
/chart bbt trx 1d jm (/chart token1 token2 timerange dex)
/liquidity trx meox iswapv1 (/liquidity token1 token2 dex)
/price trnguy trx (/price token1 token2 dex)
/tokens - see a list of whitelisted tokens
Discord @OnChainVision Discord Community
/volume trnguy trx 1d sunswap (/volume token1 token2 timerange dex)
/chart bbt trx 1d jm (/chart token1 token2 timerange dex)
/liquidity trx meox iswapv1 (/liquidity token1 token2 dex)
/price trnguy trx (/price token1 token2 dex)
/tokens - see a list of whitelisted tokens
Project Details:
Added Telegram Bot for charts Telegram @OnChainVisionTronBot
Integrated Advance Charts by TradingView in our mobile dApp
Integrated Advance Charts by TradingView in our website BTC/USDT SunSwap charts
Created a list of all Pairs queried by OnChainVision
Fix Bugs over our Android App OnChainVision
Smart Contract links:
A. Whitelisted Smart Contracts:
- Tron Shasta → TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
TTBBQCC511JAqjnxTMf1QaRRnzsUrrb6ef - Tron Mainnet → TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
In-house Router:
- Tron Nile→ Multi Router for DEX Aggregation
Project Milestones:
May 10
New rent Provider Brutus
May 30
Integration of BttNetwork in our server
New in-house router for our DEX Aggregator - Nile Smart Contract - Basically we will no longer use Routers from DEXes and will use our own router.
June 10
Chart Bot over Discord
June 30
Integration of #BttNetwork in OnChainVision App
End of September
Free transactions through staking on longer periods with just a few TRX.
End of October
Free swaps by paying through the gas
from swap amount
End of year
IOS application
Android & IOS BTT&TRON network
Social Media
- Youtube –
- Twitter –
- Facebook – OnChainVision
- Discord – OnChainVision
- TikTok – TikTok - Make Your Day
- Website –
- Play Store –
Telegram: Contact @OnChainVision – Telegram: Join Group Chat