HackaTRON S6 Qualifiers and Winners List

The community showed strong engagement by casting their votes, highlighting the power of collective participation. We sincerely thank both our long-time and new community members for taking the time to vote and for their patience as we tackled issues caused by non-legit accounts :robot:.

These winners are determined by your votes! :point_right:

Community-selected Winners


1st place: SaveWallet by TronSave
2nd place: ClaimFreeTRX by Stian
3rd place: uDawgBot by uDawgDAO
4th place: CIROTRX by Brutus Finance
5th place: Promptron by 0xmad


1st place: TronEnergize by TronEnergize
2nd place: GuessThePrice by GuessThePrice
3rd place: ChickenSwap/Bot by Coconut Chicken
4th place: HandShake by HandShakers
5th place: Nobles by Nobles


1st place: Unclaimed by Unclaimed
2nd place: Decentralised Character AI by PixelCrafter
3rd place: STAR-EX by Theras-Labs
4th place: Strongcoin by Strongteam
5th place: Cricket Clash by Cricket Clash


1st place: JustMoney Explorer by JustMoney
2nd place: BttTipBot by onchaindev
3rd place: IntegraTRON by Decon
4th place: File-Wallet by AmphibianDev
5th place: CodeHive by HiveTeam


1st place: JustMoney Swap by JustMoney
2nd place: Pravahini by Pravahini
3rd place: World Craft by World Craft’ers
4th place: OnChainVision by onchaindev
5th place: AwpSwap by AwpSwap