Project Name: World Craft - Create your own metaverse world
Project Track: Builder
Team Name: World Craft’ers
Team Member(s): @creat3
DevPost Project Link:
Project Goal: The goal of the project is to create an entertainment dApp with gamification aspects on the BTTC ecosystem.
Project Value: World Craft is an ambitious project aimed at creating an entertainment decentralized application (dApp) on BTTC. This innovative platform combines elements of a metaverse with gamification aspects, allowing users to unleash their creativity by building and exploring virtual worlds.
- Purchase worlds: Users have the option to purchase worlds within the platform. Additionally, upon acquiring a world, users will receive two free block colors for customization.
- Purchase block colors: Users can expand their creative possibilities by purchasing additional block colors. These colors can be used to add aesthetic variety to the user’s creations.
- Building mode: After purchasing a world, users can enter Building mode. Here, they have the ability to construct their own virtual world, placing and arranging blocks as they envision.
- Save world state: Users can save the state of their created world, ensuring that their progress is preserved for future interactions and exploration.
- Explore other worlds: Users can explore the virtual creations of other platform users. This opens up a world of possibilities for adventure and discovery within the metaverse.
- Build together with friends in real time! World creators can give rights to their friends so that they can also build by adding their addresses to the whitelist of the world. Users will see each other on the map, allowing for better immersion in the metaverse.
- Special Events: On the platform, users will be able to find and take part in many types of entertaining and fun events and also compete for prize pools.
- “Find Gems” - special events where users need to find and claim gems on a map created specially for each event. To participate in such events user must first purchase a pass. Part of the funds collected from the sale of passes, in addition to the main prize pool, will go towards rewards for participants who are on the event leaderboard. The more gems user finds and claims, the higher user’s position in the top and the higher the rewards.
Users will be able to build and explore the world in 3 modes:
- First person control;
- Free camera control;
- Building mode;
Key commands:
W, A, S, D | Move around |
SPACE | Jump |
Shift | Run |
1 - 9 | Select block color |
Left mouse click | Place block |
Right mouse click | Remove block |
Project Info:
Presentation of our project in PDF format: World Craft.pdf - Google Drive
Project Website:
Project Test Instructions:
To interact with our dApp, you must connect your wallet and also have a certain number of BTT test tokens in your wallet. You can get them for free here: BTTC Faucet
Then, depending on what you want, follow the instructions:
How to create your own world and start building something?
- Go to “My Profile”;
- Click on the “Create a new world” button and select a title for your world. Each world currently costs 5000 BTT [testnet tokens] (**) to create. After creating your first world, you also receive 2 free block colors;
- Open your created world by pressing the “Explore” button;
- Start building. You can place blocks with the right mouse button, and remove them with the left mouse button;
- To save what you have built, press “Esc” (opens the menu) and click on “Save world”;
How to get new colors for blocks?
You can do this directly from your world by opening the menu (Esc) or from your profile. Currently, each block color costs 250 BTT [testnet tokens] (**)
Can I build a world together with my friend?
- Yes. All users can visit other people’s worlds, but only those users who are added to the world’s white list have the right to build.
- You can give these rights to your friends by adding their addresses in the world list. You will find the add button in the world card on your profile page.
How to participate in special events?
- A list of all events and categories can be seen in the “Events” tab.
- At the moment, only “Find Gems” events are available. Participation details can be seen by opening any available event and reading the “Event Guide” tab.
- “Creative contests” events will be added soon
** - These prices may be different in the final version of the project
Project Details:
Demo video:
Smart Contract links:
WorldCraft [Testnet] :
- Contract Address 0x4a45a753c178c3ee7e2a2ff85dd3cf49de39c4ec | BTTCScan
FindGemsEvents [Testnet]:
- Contract Address 0x2e9cd6d138924f740206fdc427b782bdbdd71735 | BTTCScan
Project Milestones:
- [ Completed
] Launching the project on BTTC Chain Testnet;
- [ Completed
] Improving the dApp UI;
- [ Completed
] Ability to create worlds;
- [ Completed
] Possibility of purchasing different color blocks;
- [ Completed
] The ability to give your friends rights to change your world;
- [ Completed
] Allow users to build and see each other in real time;
- [ Completed
] Launch of “Find Gems” events;
- [ Completed
] [ ~ May 15 ] Launch of “Creative contests” events
- [ Completed
] [ May 13 ] Adding a chat to allow users to communicate with each other on the map;
- [ Completed
] [ May 13 ] Add a background image to the worlds;
- [ In progress
] ____ [ ~ May 25 ] ____ Add the option to buy textures for blocks;
- [ In progress
] ____ [ ~ May 25 ] ____ Build a marketplace with in-game items and world decorations;
- [ Completed
] Launch the project on BTTC Chain Mainnet;