OnChainVision - Open your eyes on chain worlds

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:one::five: minutes :eyes:

Friendly talk :speaking_head:


Summary of Our First Twitter Space

We discussed several exciting updates and plans for Onchain Vision during our first Twitter Space. Here are the key points:

  1. Wallet Compatibility: Our app works seamlessly with Trustwallet and TokenPocket, but we’re currently experiencing security issues with Tronlink wallet. And we’re currently trying to integrate Tronlink wallet with deeplinks.

  2. App Development: We’re revamping the Onchain Vision app design and website, and expanding our services to the BITTORENT network.

  3. Future Plans: We aim to enable free transactions on Tron, allowing users to swap tokens without holding TRX in their wallets, exclusively for our community.

  4. Current Offers: We’re offering a 1 TRX discount on swaps and transfers using the Onchain Vision app.

  5. Other Products:

    • Chart Bot: Displays real-time prices and data for whitelisted tokens on Tron.

    • NFT Bot: Allows users to mint NFTs via Telegram with a simple TRX transfer.

    • BTT Tip Bot: Rewards active users with tips, rain, and airdrops on Telegram (coming soon on Discord).

  6. Tip Bot Features: The BTT Tip Bot has a burning function, and all collected tokens will be burnt monthly.

  7. Next Twitter Space: Join us on the 1st of next month for our next Twitter Space.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our first Twitter Space!

For more information, Join our telegram Community
Onchain Vision


14/100 transactions gone

:eyes::eyes: Take advantage of the best fees using Rent with 1 TRX discount :scissors::label:

Transfer TRC20| USDT| any token with only 0.92 TRX
Swap with ~6 TRX


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alright, I will join

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OnChainVision has integrated deeplink to TronLink and now you can use OnChainVision dApp also with your favorite wallet Tronlink, TrustWallet, TokenPocket…

Don’t forget that OnChainVision has rent on premises making a swap or TRC20 at lowest fees.

Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onchainvision.onchainvision




Welcome to Season 7,
Your project has a great idea and is well done. I would like you to explain it in a way that’s easy to understand.

Any repost and likes are highly appreciated!


You guys doing a great job, keep it up :handshake:

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You guys are doing amazingly good

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Join in less than 1 hour!

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Great addition
keep building team

#3 in a row, would definitely make it a date for the next one.

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That is a very long twitter space, for 5 hours

No, actually that was 5 hours up to the start of the space not 5 hours space length. We hold the call over Telegram as with X platform we had some issues!


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Oh wow I am really newbie to some of this things, thank you for making it clear to me

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