Realtime NFT:- NFTs that update in realtime,

Hi @ankitmawle Welcome to the TRON Hackathon S4!

Had a question about Realtime NFT and how you plan on allowing users to mint complete collections?


Thanks for your suggestion, I didn’t gave a thought sending notifications to buyers earlier, But as I think now I should be able to integrate a subscription model with push notifications, mainly from browser, where users could subscribe to a NFT to receive a notification on updates in nft data.

Another way to do so would be to use something similar to push protocol, which is live on various EVM chains, but will have to check if it also works with BTTC network or if there is something similar,


Well if we consider a usecase such as this, I am adding a mint collection setting where the seller would come to our platform, mention the details similar what they have to provide now, with addition of number of NFTs he want to mint.

I am updating the smart contract to integrate a proxy smart contract which will create a new ERC1155/TRC1155 smart contract also minting the NFTs requested everytime seller wants to mint a collection to his wallet, which he could list anywhere for sale.

I am working on it and it should be ready in 5-7 days, So I think I would preferable show it to you ASAP :grin: :grin:


That will be very good. No one wants to miss a good signal that could potentially turn our fortunes around. A push notification will be a great move. Thanks for considering it.


thank you very much for your suggestion

Hi, thank you for sharing. If somebody is already able to expose an API service, they are already able to expose an ERC-721 metadata endpoint.

I’d like to see more explanation of use cases where people require an intermediary to provide this JSON lambda function.

Keep up the good work!