Real NFT by USTX Team - Unique NFTs you can touch and feel

Project Name : Real NFT
Project Track : NFT
Team Name : USTX Team
Team Member(s) : 3, Sirluke, Benna, Aska

Project Goal: The “Real NFT” project aim is to bring a little more reality into the NFT world.
Real NFT will be the link between digital art and hand-crafted tangible art-pieces. It will be possible to purchase the digital version of the item, the NFT, but the owner of the NFT will also be able to claim the real piece of art, that will delivered worldwide.

Project Info:
20220228_RealNFT.pdf (2.0 MB)
Project website

Project repo: Real NFT Github Repo

Project Details: Our team shares the romantic idea that NFT can still be considered art, with the added value that being digital more people can share it.
We believe that some characteristics of an art piece are fundamentally connected to the item itself, being something you can touch, feel and view with your own eyes. Appreciate the little imperfections that make it really unique, not because it’s randomly generated by a computer, but because it’s hand-made by an artist with his own hands.
The collections promoted by Real NFT will have a dual life: in the digital world as NFT and in real life as tangible art pieces.

The Grugni collection
In the Idea of the Autor, Barzulfo, the Grugni are the intermediaries to a supersensible reality, witnesses of spirits of the places and nature with which we have now lost contact, symbols of a hidden reality forgotten by man.

How it works
The Real NFT featured collection will be published on the project website (
Auctions will be held on the main NFT marketplace on Tron.
Claim of the tangible art-piece will follow the NFT auctions.
A portion of each sale will be used to buyback USTX tokens.

Project Milestones:

Mar 13, 2022: Start of Hackathon, social media channels created and start of promotional activity (DONE!)
Mar 31, 2022: Grugni collection presentation video completed and published (DONE!)
Apr 13, 2022: Website finished, items data completed, ready for auctions (DONE!)
Apr 30, 2022: Grugni collection auctions begin (DONE!)
May 13, 2022: End of Hackathon one. Presentation of next Real NFT artist “Griso” (DONE!)
May/June 2022: Griso collections teasing. Grugni auctions continue.
Q3 2022: Griso auctions begin. More artists join the Real NFT family.
Q4 2022: Website redesign, with better integration with NFT marketplace

Project Updates:
March 13th, created social channels and start promotion
As planned, today we created the Twitter and TG accounts of the project:

March 31st, Grugni collection video published on youtube:

May 6, 2022: Grugni collection auctions begin

*May 26, 2022: Next artist presented: GRISO


Go ustx💪 This collection is beautiful


Always something more then others!


Ustx artist is the best with Grugni masterpieces


How will you protect the art during shipping? What happens if the owner receives it damaged?
Why will users buy a Grugni over say a well-known artist painting?


We’ll do our best to protect the items during shipping and make sure the item arrives intact. Shipping will be made with primary delivery companies and will be insured.

Barzulfo is a street artist known mostly locally, where he lives, but his artwork is very telling and full of emotions. We believe that people will be interested in being a part of his world. The Grugni as fundamentally self protraits, very different one from another but with a common feel. The artist mekes them when his emotions demand it and such emotions can be of many different kinds.

Art comes in many different shapes, the Grugni is one of many. If a collector is looking for something unique, truly hand-made, full of emotional content, I thing the Grugni can be appealing.


Hey there @Sirluke
Another interesting NFT integration with the real world.

What @WindsOfChange92 asked may be a question that many community members have as well so can you let us know what happens if a customer received a damaged product (even though it is thought to be protected well during shipment). If there’s a physical replacement, how will the digital NFT be linked to the physical replacement?

If RealNFT will be sold in the secondary market, how can the buyer verify the physical counterpart is original art and not replica art?

Hope these will clear some questions that the community may have. Thanks!


Those are good questions about real problems but with a difficult solution.

The Real NFT artpieces are unique and handmade items, created first in tangible form and then minted as NFT. In case of loss/damage of the item during shipping the only viable option remains the refund of the item purchase value. The hand-crafted nature of the items makes it practically impossible to replicate, so providing a replacement (a copy) would not be possible.

We can gurantee the authenticity of the tangible piece the first time it’s claimed. We have two scenarios here:

  1. The user buys on auction the NFT and at the same time claims the original item. We will ship the item to the owner;
  2. The user buys the NFT (from us or on secondary market) and afterwards claims the original. If the original was still unclaimed, we’ll send the item to the current owner, after having proof that the user claiming the NFT is the actual owner. If the original was already claimed by a previous owner, we no longer have any control over the artpiece. We can act as an intermediary between the previous owner (that has the physical item) and the new owner of the NFT.

Regarding authenticity and replicas, I’d like to say that the originals have some hidden feautures that the digital NFT do not have (e.g. signatures and marks on the back of item). This makes it very difficult to be able to create a replica observing only the digital item. Even having the real item on hand, replicating the materials and the artist touch will be very difficult and in any case the creator will always be able to tell the real from the copy.


Come on guys. Vote is opened


My favorite project ofc


Nice project!
I always wondered how nfts could interact with real world!


Already bought 1 amazing nft💪


Grugni are wonderful guys​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Vote Ustx vote Ustx :grin::grin::grin:


Nice project, maybe one day they could be sculptures :moyai:


Let’s vote for the project and what you’re saying will not have to wait much. See the milestone of May 13th → Presenting our next artist “Griso”. I won’t disclose much, I can only say that his works are not … 2D :grinning:


Guys come on vote Ustx in Nft category


that’s the idea. Thanks for support

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Amazing idea. Real Nft is the future

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I love Grugnì collection and i follow USTX news. It s a beautiful ecosystem!!

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