Security Tips: InfoStealer

Yes buddy.
I saw the information useful
I have to share.

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Thank you sir, keep up the good work :handshake:

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You welcome buddy
All the best.

More security tips coming up

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yeah we have too, went on break

will resume soon. It is very very important.

because we always say, if you fear to take risk, you cant be rich or so lol,
scammers have been taking advantage of this and creating more risk investment to steal from us

Dear our African black man Elon musk
Please do well to enjoy your break.

Don’t forget we waiting your activeness here.

You just said it .
Yes, this modern era scamers
Are getting to capitalise on
Social engineering function
In collaboration with
Risk taking investment to
Finish the hope
Of a common man in crypto

who is Elon Musk lol,

yes and not only the common men ooh lol

Not just the common man

But cut across all persons
As far as they are Related with Crypto

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exactly, scammers just set their trap

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Yes, just like random bait
The set and takes advantage on any weaknesses including
Users, project or both

Yeah as we are sourcing information to earn big bucks we also source an information to keep the bucks SAFU

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Ei you have a source of information to get big bucks, please show me


See my boss oo :joy:, don’t take style slap me, your boy is always loyal to you and your update :palms_up_together:

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This is how you finally chose to exposed
Oh you thought you will be a whale with doings
In secret for long.
Just come and explain qualitatively
Where and how you have be doing it?

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Hahahahaha now you here, from the horses own mouth

You said you after getting info to earn big bucks, there is a need for an info on how to protect those bucks

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Still researching on the process to get the big bucks sir :palms_up_together:

Eiii :joy: you won’t kill , better hold Prince responsible

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How will I hold @Prince-Onscolo responsible
When I have you as the way shower?.

Please do the needful

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Hahahaha my boy want to run away :joy:

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Way shower? Where is the way please :pleading_face: