SkillPay: A decentralized Freelancing site, were your skills will definitely pay you

Project Name: Skillpay

Project Track: Web 3

Team Name:
Digital Labs Team

Team Member(s): 6+

DevPost URL:

Demo Video:

Project Goal:
SkillPay is a decentralised freelancing dapp, which will connect employers with employees, were freelancers with any skill set can get directly employed or get paid on contract jobs, freelancers will be able to get direct market to sale their ready-made dapps, smart contracts, mobile apps, templates etc. Their payments will be secured through the blockchain, no insane deductions from their sales or jobs done.

Project Info:

Project Website:

Project Details:

  • we seek to address this problem and help our users earn efficiently and keep almost all the earnings for their jobs and also help our employers post jobs at little or no cost.
  • Most of the existent freelancing platforms make search for jobs or getting jobs so complicated, that as a freelancer, you can stay for months without getting biddings or gigs, the policies get so strict for users, thus creating a problem instead of solving them. We intend to make getting gigs as seemless and swift as possible. They won’t be complications in payments as our users will be earning based on milestones and they will be able withdraw their earnings after every milestone completions.
  • The problem of dispute in payments won’t be found as they will be an escrow contract which will handle every payment, the employer will fund this contract at the start of every job.

How we built it

We are utilizing the power of the blockchain to build a decentralized freelancing platform. We used solidity to build the smartcontract, NextJs and Typescript to build the frontend, IPfs and MongoDB for storage purposes.

Project Milestones:

  • Currently designing the UI/UX ( :white_check_mark:)
  • Frontend build will follow immediately (:white_check_mark:)
  • Frontend: :white_check_mark:
  • Backend/ Smart Contract build kicksoff (:white_check_mark:)
    *Final checks and web3 connections(In Progress)

hello guys, this is some updates on the development of the one platform that will be a solution to freelancers.
the UI has been done and we are currently building the frontend and smartcontract

these is a view of the solution we are bringing to our awesome users and we believe these will go a long way to solve so many problems in the Tron ecosystem for new developers and old developers who find it very difficult to get gigs and jobs which will pay them well


We are available always to take on your questions and clear your concerns, and we welcome you all to tell us what you feel about what we are building here


Great project, there’s a potential in this.


Yea you can say that again

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This is a nice project with foresight.


Thank you so much, I do really appreciate your kind words


The UI looks very nice! Is the rest of the development going according to the plan?


Thank you for the compliment, yes the rest of the development is ongoing as we speak…


Love to see this. A nice project

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Sure you will, just give us a little time to round things up

Aloha TechyDom! Your project seems to be missing details on the following. Please add them to your project. Thank you!

Please Include:
DevPost URL
Project Info
Project website
Project Test Instructions
Project Details
Smart Contract Address

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I don’t know whether you are still working on the blockchain part because I can’t notice one from the project information

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Everything will be added as soon as possible including the official beta testing announcement, we are working really hard to bring the best to the community

Certainly we are working so hard over here to bring the best to the community, you will see some updates soon

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Nice concept but i have some few questions.

Will it be a paid platform where employees and employers will have to pay a subscription fee.

Another issue is, since the world is full of scammers and people pretending to be what they are not, how do u intend to curb the issue of fraud where someone might advertise a false skill with the intention of duping an employer. Will there be verified accounts with checkmarks to help identify the people with the actual skill set?

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Firstly thank you for your comment

Firstly to answer the first question, we will charge a very migre fee for maintenance and keeping things going for the platform, having research and seen how outrageous most of this other platforms charges clients a whopping 5% for transaction amounts, and freelancers a whopping 15-20% of each of their earnings per gig, we are sorting majorly to solve that problem besides high transaction fees, we also using the blockchain for proper verifications and authentications to avoid scams and frauds, employers will be satisfied with his job before an employee can claim his payments through the escrow contract, and the system is designed such that issues or complains will be resolved and everyone will be satisfied with resolutions


Great, that is very good. Wishing you the best


Thank you very much, wishing you all the best too …God bless you bountifully.

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