Swap Squad - Decentralized Marketplace

Project Name: Swap Squad
Project Track: Integration
Team Name: BU Blockchain RKJ
Team Member(s): Karl Boma (aggrodogpetter), Russell Joarder (russelljoa), Jaya Iskandar (jayaiskandar)
DevPost Project Link: N/A

Project Goal: Create a decentralized marketplace that minimizes fees for both buyers and sellers, whilst maintaining high security and privacy.
Project Value: Since our marketplace is driven by simple, yet functional smart contracts, this eliminates the need for a middle-man entity to handle transactions between both sellers and buyers.
Project Info:
Swap Squad.pdf (394.7 KB)

You may upload this part later but it is advisable to upload it ASAP so the community can learn about your project early]
Project Website: https://swap-squad.onrender.com/
Project Test Instructions: N/A
Project Details: [Details of your project. Feel free to add any photo or video reference]
Smart Contract links: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
Project Milestones: Connecting smart contract with backed API, Hosting images on Google Cloud, Learning solidity, connecting it with Flask and React, Building a responsive site with minimal and understandable UI/UX

Since this hackathon is an ongoing funding program, projects that have great potential and 
good community engagement are likely to win and receive additional funding after the initial hackathon. 
Therefore, participants should update their project posts to be as detailed as possible and
answer any community questions during the hackathon period.
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hello team please check and delete the instructions

I think there is something really wrong with you’re presentation, please check and correct

Everyone is in a frenzy to submit half baked entry, I understand the rush, given the time.

Welcome to season 7,

Idea is looking good,
Can you share the process or criteria to upload content on it,

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Welcome to hackaTron S7! While your forum post lacks clear understanding of what swap you are facilitating with your project, a look at your pdf indicate that it’s a real-life utility items like shoes, Tron insulated bag, JS body pillow, etc and this made me wondering how you are going to ensure the quality of these items since the swap involves direct trade between the buyer and the seller.

Again, how are you going to ensure that buyers get delivery of what they paid for in your platform?

Welcome to Grand hackathon S7 please kindly update your submission on a clearer format