Project Name: Rooni
Project Track: artistry
Team Name: SBCD
Team Member(s): 2 Member @Rink3y and @Shadowkite
Hacker Earth Project Link: Rooni | Devpost
Project Goal: We’re building a marketplace that’s all about bringing together every kind of digital treasure, whether been collectibles, Web3 domains, or nft game asset. The dream is to make this space as decentralized as possible. That means no hoops for creators to jump through to get their stuff up for trading. Everyone gets to play, no permission needed. And, super important to us, we’re making sure creators get their dues with proper royalties. It’s all about keeping things fair, free, and totally open( docs for marketplace & royalty for creators will be linked soon - we are currently working of getting the ui & the backend setup correctly).
Project Value: we’re all about freedom, fairness, and low transaction on BitTorrent Chain make it possible. Our marketplace is designed with these values in mind. Imagine listing your NFT for sale but still holds it in your wallet, that’s exactly what this project is about.
Listing an nft on your Marketplace require approval for the token been listed to the marketplace contract along with the price ( to be sold for ). Once a buyer purchases your assets, it transfers to the buyer wallet in the same transaction. Leading to a much less gas spent and the seller BTTC in their wallet.
This approach means you’re always in control of your assets, holding onto them until the moment they’re sold. Given you full control over your assets. Also means if for some reason our website goes down and you are not savy with web3. you dont have to do anything as you own your Assets yourself. PEACE OF MIND
Project Info: [You may upload this part later but it is advisable to upload it ASAP so the community can learn about your project early- We will update this SOON]
Project Website: BTTC Marketplace (
Project Test Instructions:
To test out our marketplace, simply if you own an nfts or any sort of ERC721, you can visit the website( )
in the search bar paste the contract address and search
it will take you to the collection page ( and under my NFTs - you will be able to see all your nfts for that collection)
Feel free to list your NFTs for sale. But, just a little heads-up: we’re currently ironing out some kinks in our marketplace backend. After running for a bit, it might not catch new listings right away(the aim was to use subgraph but since subgraph is not supported. We’re all hands on deck fixing these bugs, so everything runs smoothly. If you have any suggestion / improvement let us know.
Still working on Improving the UI
Smart Contract links: MarketPlace Contract - BTTC Explorer
Project Milestones: [Provide a brief progress outline of when users can expect what during the hackathon period]
Project Milestones:
Frontend UI:
- Minor tweaks in progress to enhance device compatibility and user friendliness for all devices.
Smart Contracts and Deployment:
Backend Stability Improvements:
- enhancements for backend performance and reliability, ensuring a smoother user experience. And adds Last sold…
Sweep Floor Price & Global Offers:
In Progress
- Implementation underway; expected completion soon to introduce new trading dynamics and allow collection creator to sweep the collection floor price in a single transaction. The global offer system will also allow anyone to submit an offer for the entire collection, rather than on an individual NFT basis. This means asset owners can review offers and decide if they wish to sell at the proposed price, making the buying/offering process simpler and more efficient as the buyers won’t need to submit offers to multiple token IDs within a collection.
Integrate CoinGecko for BTTC Price:
Next Up ( but we will start working on this sometime after the website is fully launched )
- The plann here is to fetch the current BTTC price, ensuring accurate and up-to-date value assessments.
Community Features Rollout:
Announced Soon
Integration of Additional Token Standards:
Future Milestone
More info the marketplace logic/docs will be post ASAP.
Edit (on 04/15/2024)
Update> to
Use this URL to access the marketplace BTTC Marketplace (
Edit (04/18/2024)
Telegram community Link>
EDIT (04/19/24)
Backend Stability Improvements: Completed
Update - Collector & Creators {23/04/2024}
If you a creator and will like to Whitelist your collection to have the peaks of that please join our telegram group above. And let us know.
We will require the following>
- contract address
- collection Profit picture
3.Collection cover image - Royalty percent & address to receive the royalty { by default all collection that is traded on Rooni whether it’s Whitelisted or not, royalty is set to 2%- this is paid to deployer of the contract(owner) so if you like to set to a different address too }.
- Social link { optional - but need especially for new people to easily your project }
- Website
The marketplace is now operational, and it supports all erc721 including DN404 and erc-404.
By the end of this month or within the first week of May we would have finished the collection offer( which allows someone/anyone to place an offer/bid to the entire collection rather than an individual NFT.
So buyers interested in purchasing multiple works from the same a collection at once, mostly aiming for a better price .
So example>. If a buyer place a bid on a collection for let say 200 btt, this offer is visible to the seller and the collection holders who can then decide whether to accept or reject the bid.
If a seller or any of the holder from that collection accepts the offer, the NFT will be transferred to the buyer and sales will be made )
Also please join the telegram community and if you have any questions of listings or purchasing an NFT we be sure to give a response
Update Free Mint nft - Nuggets>
Get Your Free NFTs on Bittorent Chain - ( Marketplace ) - TRON Discussion - TRON DAO Forum