Project Name: JAFO Trading Club
Project Track: DeFi
Team Name: JAFO
Team Member(s): Rob Nickel
DevPost URL: JAFO Trading Club | Devpost
Project Goal: To build rewards for holders. Create stability, growth, and transparency in a trading environment.
Project Info: JAFO Whitepaper.docx - Google Docs
Project Contract: TXP4RmZmq2iJeBe4zqNSbbqW1fSW43eF1N
Project Website:
Project Details: Jafo Trades - Google Sheets
Project Test Instructions: Just monitor the trade sheet and Link for Dashboard
Project GitHub: GitHub - JafoTrading/JafoTrading: Config files for my GitHub profile.
Project Milestones: We started in Nov 2021 and have been testing the system with a small group of holders. We wanted to establish a good transparent system. We are coming up on our 1 year anniversary. We added trading scripts to GitHub and working on an API dashboard.
Improvements from last submission: We have improved by adding 2 Trading Scripts on GitHub. We also created a unique equities dashboard. We have opened the the Version 1 Dashboard while hackathon is going on for all to try. The dashboard will be closed and become subscription based for access after the hackathon with $TRX as the monthly payment method. A breakdown of subscription will be in the comments. JAFOs Stock Analysis Dashboard - Google Sheets
Great to see your project is still going on Tron.
Thank you, yes we are actually coming up to our 1 year next month.
Good to see you back, I am interested in your trading scripts you use, and will look at them.
Congrats in advance for your upcoming 1 year on Tron
Great job way to keep on trucking
Since season 2 we have added these for season 3. 2 Trading scripts to GitHub and working on a Power holder dashboard. This will allow access to data for stocks that you can adjust or compare to others. We will also start working on an automatic payment script once holders reach 25.
A sample video of the dashboard we are working on. Dashboard Under Construction.mp4 on Vimeo
Nice project here mate
Thank you @TechyDom appreciate that.
We just finished our version 1 of our dashboard. A demo can be seen here. 2022-10-30-18-46-17.mp4 on Vimeo
Great looking dashboard for your first version.
Well done and great progress.
I can see this being very useful
great to see you back and adding to your project.
wow wow wow wow best defi project
Thank you, we appreciate that. Did you see the video demo of the dashboard?
yess, watching now bro
u got my vote
Greetings Slaggy! Your project seems to be missing details on the following. Please add them to your project. Thank you!
Please Include:
Project Info
Project Test Instructions
Contract Address
After a thorough scan, it looks like your project post is very similar to a project that has been posted in Season 2 Can you let the community know what improvements and updates have been made compared to this project - JAFO Trading Club that you have submitted in the past?
We have opened up our new version 1 of the dashboard if you want to try it. You should be able to change the input sections in the grey boxes only. Change the ticker symbol to what you would like to see the information for in the grey box and it should update. JAFOs Stock Analysis Dashboard - Google Sheets
After the hackathon it will be open to subscribers only for access.
*Top 5 JAFO holder is 500 TRX per month
*JAFO holder is 1000 TRX per month
*Non-JAFO holder is 2000 TRX per month
So you do not need to be a holder to access this dashboard. The TRX will be used to grow the trading platform. With 50 percent going to add to trading liquidity and 50% adding to freezing on Tron network. Let me know if you have any issues or questions on it.