Hi everyone! I issued a TRC-10 token on the mainnet and it almost immediately got an “Unsafe reputation.” However all the information about the website and project was filled in.
I submitted several requests to change the token’s reputation to neutral or unknown about two weeks ago via this tool, but I haven’t received a response from the Tronscan support team yet. Can anyone help me? Is there any other way to contact the support team? Thanks!
I already asked in telegram developer group too but got no response nor reaction. It’s kinda sad that TRON team without proper check decides whether you are scammer or not.
I believe all new TRC10 tokens get the unsafe rating as TRC10 is only used for spam transactions these days.
You should consider trying the TRC20 standard instead. Also any token with “TRX” “USDT” and other known Tron token in its name will automatically be blocked.
Thanks for the advice! But this token is just used as unit of account so imo it’s kinda useless to deploy whole smartcontract and call it for something simple like that. TRC-10 is more than enough for this.
Also this and this TRC-10 tokens are relatively new but their reputations are Neutral. That’s why I suggested there was some way to change reputation.
I talked with the TRONSCAN team and they said they would fix the reputation.
I’ve been seeing a few of these issues with TRC-10 tokens from developers since they auto flagged it to unsafe, TRONSCAN should just auto mark them to unknown.
Will recommend they change this for future TRC-10 tokens.
Also, any further users looking to update their token on TRONSCAN please use the contact us form and make sure you specify everything clearly. TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
Your token/contract doesn’t make sense here. Please give me the links on Tronscan. You can provide it to me in DM. Also, provide me your website and use case of the token and email you used on the contact form.
Hi, I can’t DM for some reason, probably because of a new account on trondao forum and I can’t post links in here. It’s forbidden. A bit crazy… can you please email me josh at hash8 net and I will provide all the info? Thank you and appreciate your help! @WindsOfChange92
To receive a “Neutral” rating, a token needs to meet the following requirements:
Required information of the token, including the official website, logo, official contact email, white paper URL, and at least one social media link, has been added.
The contract source code has been verified. If the project team has special reasons to not publicly disclose or verify the source code, please contact us to clarify.
The public profiles of the project founder and team members have been disclosed on the official website.
The project team needs to maintain one or more active social media or community communication channels.