@TechyDom @Prince-Onscolo what @novax mention is the fact that there is a learning curve/ a ramp up period as a developer and new developer in the hackathon period must first align with the tech and after that develop while establish teams and developers that already had experience can build and should build more complex projects and ready to use.
What I think it that there should be two tracks 1 for establish projects and other for totaly new project. I saw on devpost that there is a criteria so I think over the judging period it will be kept in mind.
And in the community vote there were some project that were not fully developed had only one feature or two and because of establish teams and known projects they got in the top. So I think that can be improved so a separation between new comers and establish teams should be made for future.(Let’s not say that there were many that did not check all the projects) - I did not had the time to check them all. And I address questions after the vote.
For example the last place was quite a good project from my perspective as mobile development should be a strategic plan for blockchain communities development. Congrats @TheBrackster
And also what to say that the work done by @novax was one of the few projects that had a full development core. The idea of having notifications on different channels was brilliant by the way and I really think that the more the blockchain will evolve this will be a core issue. Congrats also to @novax for all the work.