TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Community Vote

It will be amazing if you want to support us😊

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Best is to reach out on the Devpost website by the manager of the hackathon


Nice knowing that​:heart_eyes::relaxed:


Nice project keep it up guys

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How can I trade my trons

Good luck to every participant
 This is getting more interesting.:fire:

Trons always pick up a good project and then work on it. That’s interesting

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On any CEX and DEX supporting Tron coin and tokens:

Decentralized #DEX:

Centralized #CEX:

More exchanges - Link


Already done with no result (on screenshot). Tron team solutions are the black box without any feedback.
I asked very simple question about their claims in rules violation here three days ago and still haven’t gotten any response
I totally confused and frustrated

UPD. Reply to @PettiM message


@vermax can i know your project

How is everyone going with the voting process? Let me know what projects you guys are rocking with here :metal:


I would love to add one more mechanic we are actually working on in the Turuverse and have not seen around yet !

We call it ‘’ We earn , You earn business model ‘’ As many might know our main mission is giving back value to our users. Users and residents of the Turuverse can expect the same . Current excisting metaverse seem to have only 1 goal and that is to amass money from the players .

Here is where we differ big time as we will have a revenue sharing model with our Turuverse residents which we call our reverse tax system . Where in the real world you would need to pay tax but in the Turuverse get paid tax instead . There is much more to it which i can not yet reveal !

More details about this system will be revealed in duo time :eagle:


I think you should allow people go through these projects and decide for themselves. We want the best not just hype. We are building these projects for people and they must decide.


That’s what @TuruGlobal is all about.

As a user or an investor you earn from their ecosystem.

Giving Passive income :star_struck:

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 saw it getting featured in @trondao block episode


I have seen a lot of NFT’s but I will go for @justrugnft they are one of the best.

Can you please elaborate. I am interested

Hi @admin.hackathon why @Evveland not make it into the W3 list?

If it is a project that cares about its community, u can never rule @TuruGlobal out. The project is actually built with the community in its forefront.

Whatever they bring has stand the test of time, most people are afraid to build in bear, but thats where they find their strength.

If u ain’t checking them out then you are really missing out alot. The metaverse in its reality.

Their project for this season is world class, TuruMetaverse.

Always follow those who know road and i can say, @TuruGlobal are the builders of the road, so they know it like the back of their palm.

Wishing them all the best. They have my vote 100% and anyday also.

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Most NTF’s tends to make their works digital, but aren’t you suprised that something is fishing, @justrugnft are making theirs physical. They are very unique.:heart: