TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Community Vote

@Greatborn Sure! Our core idea is the digital certificates issued online can be easily forged. We’re leveraging tron blockchain to perform a transaction from issuer to receiver and the Hashcode would be presented on the certificate and it can be always verified on tronscan. Thus the digital certificate is Tron Blockchain verified. :lock:

That’s not it we’re minting those digital certificates straight to your wallet. You can save the certificates to your wallet and carry them as badge of honor.

For more info: Tronify - An Academic Blockchain Certification System with NFTs

If you consider this project adds value to the society. Please consider voting it. :pray:t3: :100: :pray:t3: :100:


Good morning family Trondao

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@admin.hackathon please can you verify me so that i can vote in my team?

Very exciting all these projects🚀

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Wow this looks very nice. Are you going to do 3D printing?


And Blockshop got disqualified. It was great fishing them out. There shouldn’t be anything fishy in the system.

Best of luck everyone

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@admin.hackathon porque aun no subo a nivel 1? deseo votar

Blockshop hasn’t filled project info and project milestones on time. I think it might be the reason. Or maybe shady votes? :man_shrugging:


Yeah, Unless clearly stated , we can only assume. So we can’t judge the intention of their disqualification

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if they will find some malicious votes on us…we will get 1% at the end :joy::joy:
Anyway Hackathon partecipation has been done a great experience where a real product can be judged (for better or worse)

I am loving this season hackathon :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:
Thank you @admin.hackathon
You are doing a great job

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And I know more will come

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Voting ends in 18 hours, make sure you vote your favorite projects. Go through them and find those who are really building

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Wow 500 msgs on this thread … kudos to the organisers @TronLive @admin.hackathon @trondao for pulling off another successful event :clap:t2::clap:t2:


I still have a couple of spare votes :ballot_box:! Any last minute recommendations for a good project I might have missed ? :innocent:

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Maybe they are new and thought they could cheat the system. In the end who loses?? I am quite sad for them.

First Kryptpay, now Blockshop.
Other projects with similar issues might be currently be sitting on tenterhooks.

Lol … shady votes still happening eh ? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Hahaha some votes from hell.

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