TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Community Vote

Are they not aware TronDao team is like karma … they hit back hard on hellish actions :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


:rofl::rofl::rofl: they were never told, they learnt it the hard way.

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I don’t know the exact reason. Was just throwing idea while drinking coffee :joy:
Let’s open a dapp you and me for betting on that kind of events :joy::joy::joy: just kidding


My advise is: look at the projects and chose the best ones :grin:


That betting would have been crazy, we will turn into Detectives to spot all these malicious acts just to win. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Some projects should kindly sit up. This is no place to play tricks :rofl:

I have written down all the projects i will vote for since voting started.

I check the project from time to time to review it. Some were in the list in the beginning but upon further review, i changed it and replace their slot with other project.

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Today is Sunday and many of you guys are in day off. We are trying to deliver testnet website link to allow all of you to test Tblocks.
Pls consider that Testnet website will have some bugs already fixed on mainnet but at least you and Devpost judges will be able to test our features. Enjoy your Sunday


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I am patiently waiting, i heard the game is quite similar to super mario by those who have had the chance to test it.
I love that super mario game and i know i will love this one too.

Finger crossed :crossed_fingers:

Hello @admin.hackathon please can you give us the detail reason why “Blockshop” has been disqualified.

Some are of the view that, they copied another project, others too are saying they didnt provide their milestone and also evidence of malicious votes whiles others say they were actually deployed only on polygon and therefore cannot be considered as an ecosystem project since projects in ecosystem has to be Ethereum based.

Can you please clarify the situation so that we can put the argument to rest. :sunglasses::sunglasses:

Polygon is EVM based which also works! I think it’s because of vote manipulation, I’m not sure tbh

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I love that. It is sorely required! esteem the effort put forth by trondao.

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mate you can play on the game also now , in guest mode, joining this link:

tips: to play on mobile be sure to enable phone rotation , press full screen button in tge left bottom angle, and rotate your mobile phone

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We could use man like Coffeezilla here :laughing:

Vote manipulation is quite a serious offense. I hope @trondao and @admin.hackathon check everything thoroughly.

I see some projects doing supernatural over taken.


how can we qualify for voting?

Wonderful, will try it out now

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The link takes me to a blank page, everywhere is blank after loading. I am experiencing it only from my end or there is an issue somewhere that needs to be fixed. Thank you

wait a while…the game is loading.


Thank you for your answer, this is the kind of feedback & communication we would really like to see from Devpost’s Team as well.

We don’t have any issue with this; we actually like it if the rules are strict. Although, they should again be more precise (e.g. what “live” means, what is considered a significant update, etc.), and this should be enforced for all projects.

There’re plenty of “new” projects here that don’t have a working website, didn’t share GitHub, and do not even have a demo that can be tested. But they were still somehow eligible.

Anyway, all we’re saying is that the Devpost team should communicate more clearly, they should engage with us and raise their concerns so we can answer them. Also, there should be a date when they decide if you are eligible or not, and they shouldn’t disqualify projects when voting starts.

Honestly, we hope the next Hackathon will be held in-house and all projects will be judged by the TRON team in a better way. For this Season, we just hope quality projects will win, so good luck to those builders!