This has been a topic of discussion for tronics over some days now. Tron stake 2.0 is coming home today.
Personally I like some of the features of this new staking. Check the comparison here 

And there is a news for all #NRG users from @TronNinjas
Very important information for all
Kindly check this medium article 

Happy Easter to you all💜
Stay Safe 
I hope the mission to integrate this stake 2.0 be fruitful one and growth to Tron ecosystem
Happy Easter to you as well, have a blissful one
Please, @Prince-Onscolo
Can you confirm this from your device?
I think it has been resolved. I have been able to stake mine. Thank you
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Alright good to have it working for good
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Espero que este nuevo planteamiento sea fructífero para todos.
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Hope so
Did some skimming of twitter.
I came across this.
one thing I don’t like about this the 14 days withdrawal period after you unstake your trx. You can only withdraw after 14 days when you unstake and one thing I like is the ability to unstake part of your staked trx
I read that the 14 days …
Will foster price stability.
My question is.
What if in emergency you to use your stake Tron.
The 3days before was more okaY
yeah that stability won’t work, they are just saying it. the trx I am holding is not from Airdrop. I bought it with my hard earned money and I decide when to sell and when to buy the the whales do.
This is not encouraging me to stake. or I will only stake part.
Very valid point you made.
Either bought them
Or grind for it
I believe, this will discourage staking by small holders of TRX.
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yeah whales love it I think but I believe 7 days will be fine. Two weeks is too much
I feel also the displacement of small energy plug
Tienes toda la razón, el periodo de tiempo es un poco largo, aunque yo por norma mi Staking es más largo, pero como has dicho es por decisión propia, no por imposición.
A good stake guarantees a good steak 
I agree on the long staking period.
exactly brother, it should be by choice. By the way one admin told me we can vote against through a new proposal. I hope they create a new proposal to check this. Some of us we are trying our best with the little we have to invest for better future and when an unforeseen circumstances happened this same money help us solve it
Any Reason for that?
Share with us
It was a writing error, it meant that it seemed like a long time to me and I agreed with the other opinions.
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