I would like you to suggest me some projects.
¿What is your favorite project?
Cukies.world uno de los mejores proyecto hasta el momento. Vamos con todo,y subiendo posiciones
Favorite project: GameFi - Cukies World
VOTE HERE Hackathon 2022 S2 - Vote for your favorite projects here! - #6 by admin.hackathon
PRIMO Dao. A crypto CBD project.
TronVerse all the way
Those are great project however more Tron based projects are going cross-chain and I think its a great feet and way in attracting users of other blockchain onto the Tron network.
Apexgo and TronVerse to the moon
Primo token!! Its not just a token, it has real world utility, and has a long way to go. Great to be in their team
Cukies Worlds
TruQoin - Crypto Mining
My favorite project is Truqoin. I am so excited for it! Hoping that it will reach millions of people!
TRUQION Crypto Mining Cooperative is my favorite.
Primo!CBD oil:fire:
Web3: JustMoney Pay because I think implementing payments systems for e-commerce and businesses is awesome.
DeFI: WARP by UTSX because I liked the solo staking 30% yield of USDD.
NFT: Cubies or Umbre Tron NFT Maker because it helps projects/artists set up NFTs without coding knowledge.
GameFi: BalRok because I like SciFi space shooters and upgradable ships.
Daily2infinity all the way!
My favorites are DigitalMart and Dbanta and there are great projects and hold alot of potentials, so I believe they should be part of the winners on a fair judgment and so are other amazing projects too
This! Solid project all around
That would be #PRIMO baby all day long
Vamis contodo muchachos…buen proyecto…
Check out @JustMoney @TuruGlobal etc
Anything Lion X puts out. It’s all very ground breaking.