What makes Tronchain so good?

TRX aims to address the problem of decentralization and censorship on the web.


That’s a Very good explanation of TrX Crypto !! :+1::+1::+1::+1:


Low fee
Fast and reliable


Transaction speed and Low fees

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Tronscan is fast and very low fees


It has been here for a long time and it will still be

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Good question. Tron is fast and reliable

It’s fast

Fees are cheaper.

I also like this one.


More like core? Or am I wrong ?

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low fee, fast transactions, what I feel is good for to know about blockchain

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Woow note taken thanks broski

Its superfast and gas fees are actually user friendly

customizing function is also great advantage!

Also Great community! Community makes support! Positive vibes make project develop continuously

Speed and very cheap

in simple word, it is the future

You can even make free transactions when you have enough energy through staking

TRX has a huge potential, one of the most promising coin.

  • Very fast. A blockchain in the network is generated every three seconds. The bandwidth of the network reaches 2000 transactions per second, which is much more than that of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  • NO transaction fees
  • Great dev team
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This gives me peace of mind with Tron