AnkerPay Tron TRX and USDT integration


Thank you for the heads up!

It’s great to hear that your main focus at this moment is on addressing the specific needs of the South African market and your future plans for expansion. What strategies are you considering to ensure a smooth transition and adaptation of your platform’s services when expanding to other regions, especially considering potential differences in regulatory environments?

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AnkerPay has applied for a crypto asset service provider (CASP) license in South Africa and plans to continue securing necessary licenses as regulatory landscapes evolve in other regions. Ensuring regulatory compliance is paramount, as each country has unique financial regulations. AnkerPay will work closely with local financial authorities to adhere to these rules and adapt the platform’s features accordingly. Market research is also crucial to understand the specific needs and preferences of each market, allowing AnkerPay to tailor its offerings effectively. Additionally, AnkerPay will focus on risk management, identifying potential risks such as currency fluctuations and political instability, and developing strategies to mitigate these risks to ensure successful and sustainable expansion.

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This involves South Africa and I am happy about it to see one of our own, another payment system is good but how is this different from all the other payments services, thank you

Welcome to Hackathon Season 6, is this solely centred on South Africa?

That is wonderful. Thank you for your response :clap:

Hello AnkerPay team, welcome to TRON hackathon and happy to have more payments solutions on board!

Would you please help to update your milestones with dates? to understand better when each step will be integrated in your app.

I saw you are already integrated in the Moya App, how do your solution compares to Moya Pay?

Thank you! Keep on building with us :slight_smile:


Hello TRON hackathon team,

Thank you for the warm welcome! We’re thrilled to contribute to more payment solutions.

Regarding milestones, we’re currently integrating our solution into the Moya App. As for comparing our solution to Moya Pay, Moya Pay is embedded within the Moya App and requires sign-up. Our integration streamlines the process further.

Thanks for your support! Let’s keep building together.

We will add the milestones and dates. Thank you for the suggestion.

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How well will users not from South Africa get to use this service

At the moment, there aren’t any similar payment gateways for TRON or USDT TRC20 in South Africa. It’s indeed encouraging to witness the emergence of a homegrown solution. What sets this apart from other payment services is its unique focus on integrating TRON and USDT TRC20 into the South African market, providing users with seamless access to digital transactions previously unavailable through conventional means. Thank you for your interest!


Foreign users residing within South Africa will also have access to our service. Leveraging South Africa’s regulated crypto market for crypto asset service providers, we are in the process of obtaining a license to ensure full compliance. Millions of users, including foreigners within the country, will enjoy seamless digital transactions and access to a Mastercard via the Moya Pay app. So, whether you’re a local or a foreigner in South Africa, join us for hassle-free financial transactions! Make it your next holiday destination. You won’t regret it!

Indeed, our project’s primary focus is on South Africa, given its status as a regulated crypto country. However, as other countries in Africa gain regulatory clarity in the crypto space, we have plans to expand our services there as well. Our goal is to extend seamless digital transactions to users across the continent, ensuring compliance and convenience every step of the way.

Thank you for replying to me I understand clearly now

I see you prioritize regulations in different regions, this is really a key pointer for organic growth to evade unnecessary sanctions, way to go!

Hey @AnkerPay :wave:

What major protocol have you integrated on Tron/BTTC?
Do you have a MVP? There is no test instruction even tho we have passed the deadline for a week already.

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Great to connect! We’ve integrated the Tron network into our infrastructure, although not a specific protocol on Tron. Our product is live and fully operational, not just an MVP. Any South African Tron holder can buy at the moment and we are adding the sell side as we speak so users can top-up their Mastercard with Tron or USDT TRC20. There are more than 4000 ATM locations to buy Tron using the AnkerPay telegram bot and 26 million(4 million daily active users) users that are using the MoyaPay app can buy or top-up their account by selling(coming soon), using the Tron Protocol.

I saw your message in the ambassadors group. As I answered there AnkerPay should be in the Web3 track. As it’s your first participation I believe it was an honest mistake. Besides, the guidelines for the integration track were kinda obscur. We’ll see if the organisation decides to move it to the right track :+1:

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I agree that this project is best suited for the Web3 track, especially since it’s their first participation and there are no TRON/BTTC integrations (like BTFS, SunSwap, etc.) made in the app to qualify for the integration track. After reviewing their GitHub repo, I noticed the last commit was a year ago, and there hasn’t been much activity since then. Doesn’t this disqualify the project from the hackathon?

The same goes for the FileWallet project. They have minimal activity on GitHub, so I’m unsure how these projects got selected. Meanwhile, some strong projects like SmartDisperse were disqualified despite having good community engagement in their posts.

No offence to the projects, but I’d like to understand what made these projects qualify for the integration tracks while other deserving projects were moved to Web3/Artistry.

@SimbadMarino @fabsltsa @Gordian @WindsOfChange92 @admin.hackathon

Thank you for your inquiries! Unfortunately there is no way to confirm the actual repo in github is the current one in production, specially because there is no rule forcing projects to open source their projects. If open source was a hard requirement it will make it easier for admins and judges to judge based on github stats. Teams tend to have private repositories for their core apps and do not disclose their code easily for several reasons.

For now we cannot take Github as the only evidence to disqualify projects as that would be unfair for honest developers trying to open up their doors. For future hackathons if TRONDAO decides to make open source/ repository sharing with admins and judges a requirement then we for sure will take github stats more seriously :slight_smile:

Thank you for the feedback!


Thanks for your explanation. I understand that it’s up to the project owners whether they want to open-source their projects. However, to qualify for the integration track, projects need to integrate existing TRON technologies (like BTFS, SunSwap, etc.), right? From what I’ve seen, neither this project nor FileWallet includes any such integrations, which is also something @fabsltsa pointed out.

My question is, why weren’t these projects moved to other tracks, like what happened with other projects?

Additionally, the milestones of both projects seem irrelevant to the integrations mentioned in the official TRON forum post and do not align with any of the specified integrations.