ASCAI Project Announcement for TRON Community 🚀

Tagging: @StevenTRON @EMerchant @Prince-Onscolo @Nana66419 @manfred_jr @Gordian @HODL

Hello TRON enthusiasts! We are delighted to present an exciting project that promises to revolutionize your blockchain experience. Additionally, we’ve taken the opportunity to tag some dedicated contributors who have played an active role in shaping ASCAI through their valuable suggestions and insightful questions. We cordially invite you to explore our project.

:mag: Project Description: In the ever-evolving world of blockchain technology, ASCAI addresses a critical challenge - the opacity of smart contract interactions. Users often face the daunting task of deciphering complex code, leading to uncertainties and potential risks. We’ve recognized the need for clarity and security in blockchain interactions.

:shield: The Problem We’re Solving: ASCAI, an advanced AI-driven solution, provides users with comprehensive explanations of smart contract function calls. No more stumbling in the dark. But we don’t stop at clarity; we also offer real-time vulnerability assessments, ensuring secure interactions.

:briefcase: Project Website: To explore the project, please visit our official website::globe_with_meridians: Visit ASCAI

:microscope: Project Test Instructions: To explore the project’s features, follow these steps: :one: Click on the subscribe button at the top right corner. :two: After purchase, you can test its features on our testing site. Register and explore here: Testing Site

:film_projector: Demo Video: Watch our demo video to see ASCAI in action: Demo Video

:link: Project Post: For detailed information, please check our project post on the TRON community forum: ASCAI Project Post

:raised_hands: Your Feedback Matters: We’d love to hear your thoughts on the project. Your feedback is invaluable to us. How can we improve ASCAI to make it even more user-friendly? Share your insights and suggestions in the comments!

ASCAI envisions a future where every blockchain interaction is clear and secure. Join us on this revolutionary journey towards blockchain transparency and safety. Together, we’ll redefine how we interact with TRON’s smart contracts. :muscle::rocket:


Great presentation here.
Wishing you all the best in the ongoing voting

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Thanks for the support @Prince-Onscolo. :smile:

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This has been my fav project since the beginning! Wish you all the best guys…

Hope the community realises the importance of having this solution. :innocent:


Is this a resubmission?

check the tag bro,


Thank you @Luke45 for your kind words! We are thrilled to hear that you have been enjoying our project. Your support and encouragement mean a lot to us. We hope to continue developing this solution and make a positive impact in the community. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

I love the very bright green gradient color in the website, I think visibility was really taking into consideration in the UI/UX design for the visually impaired like myself cause I had no hassles maneuvering the website, kudos!