BttTipBot - Tipping is mandatory sir

Please delete this, thank you much

It is not difficult to start something, but to finish it and have the satisfaction of your viewers, who always expect the best from you. In this world of Blockchain events there will be stumbles and falls, but the important thing is to know how to get up and move forward and not stop fighting for your goals. Very good work by the BttTipBot team. I know this is the beginning of a new era, congratulations and new ideas are welcome in #Tron Network. :100::muscle::partying_face:
#TRONIC :100::muscle:


Thank you buddy. Together we sTRONger
Together we utilised the power of this project to enhance our community


Glad you see you back again in this season, I took at look at your tip bot and I think its really cool, from a community and engagement aspect, already seeing it used within Tron community. It’s fun easy to use and provides an opportunity for people to engage with one and other. I hope to see more projects utilizing the power of BitTorrent chain in the future, there is so much untapped potential. Best of luck with your submissions.


wishing for you mate, this looks amazing…!!!


Hello @TronNinjas thank you for your review.
Yes the project build to foster community enhancement.
Can be integrated into already existing active community

And active members smartly cam be rewarded via the tip bot. More developments will be done and also contribution from community members all welcome.

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You loved our little bot :heart::robot:

Maybe you could cast a vote :ballot_box: for the community

B6️⃣ #B6 OnChainVision

I4️⃣ #I4 BttTipBot

@manfred_jr @Chukseucharia @Mkjoe @Chizz @Kavel @JamWiener @Baroni.Samuele @Mark1 @Afandi @Mohamma @Wills @Celeste @WebWhispers @harvey14


You loved our little bot :heart::robot:

Maybe you could cast a vote :ballot_box: for the community

B6️⃣ #B6 OnChainVision

I4️⃣ #I4 BttTipBot

@Charles01 @Mega_042 @Youngyuppie @astitv @CryptoHaven @Ide @Boyana @Scrrohmidt @NightingleNaaz @DoctorNFT @aradhye.s @Lobato17 @Geobleach @demiean @Sammy7566 @Psycho @KurtL @AdelEdv @Robert2 @XiaoEth @RoseyTara @Florentina10 @SanderE


We :leftwards_arrow_with_hook::left_speech_bubble: gladly on responded on your questions :question::thinking: related to our bot :heart::robot:

Maybe you could cast a vote :ballot_box: for the community

B6️⃣ #B6 OnChainVision

I4️⃣ #I4 BttTipBot

@elluminaZK @Boyana @RoseyTara @BlurryFace @Gustavo @demiean @Lobato17


Remind me just incase I missed it, didn’t I rock a vote for OnChain Vision already?


Hello, this is Yuvraj would love to know more on this… Will await you reply… ,l😃


Hello buddy, welcome to the forum. Stay active.
First our project goals and values fully clear above.

Join our telegram group

To know more, we will guide you on
how to use our Btt tip bot

At the end, you can give us a vote.
Together we sTRONger


A new update is coming for our little guy @btt_tip_bot.

He will take a short rest!

Will be back available in no time!

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Btt Tip Bot will revive the BitTorrent network

New functionality burn tokens :fire::fire::fire::fire:
/burn (from telegram balance)

/burnOnChain (directly from your wallet)

/triggerBurn (Will burn all topUp burn balance and can be triggered by owner only)

Join :handshake: us and burn $SHIT or any other token and let’s revive the #Btt community


Your vote :ballot_box: matters.

Make sure to do the best choice :balance_scale:

:raised_hands: Thank you so much if your vote :ballot_box: for our little guy over here @btt_tip_bot


The most community engaging project on integration track, kudos to the team for success of this project :raised_hands:


Thank You buddy, do have a lovely day.
You love the project.
Please do well extend your vote to us.
Together we sTRONger. Cheers


Hi Team onchaindev,
and all dear members @constantinpricope201 @MirelaIoana24 @Gordian,
Great project, I checked video presentation and it is very impressive and well explained.
All the best.

I would like to share in Artistry category, we have also developed a fun game which you can check-out here if you get chance.
A5: Jumble Dude By Mandy - A wacky web3 adventure

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