Classic Chords by team Chordians - Unleash The Artist In You & Make Your Own Web3 Music V2

Congratulations :tada:

Your project deserved it.

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Congratulations :confetti_ball: you did marvelously well and your determination has really yielded results. Good job done


Thanks for your kind words and support.:metal:

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Thanks a lot for supporting from season 3, this means a lot. :metal:


Hey! I just came across this project and have to say it’s incredibly unique—I’ve never seen anything like it before. Are you still working on it, and is it live?

I’d love to give it a try :heart_eyes: @akash


Glad to know that you liked the project.

Due to some reasons, we were unable to continue building it, however, it is very close to my heart, and we might continue it in the future with better market fit and UX.

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Sorry to hear that, hoping for the best for the team. all the very best for the future plans :v:

In the meantime, I invite you to check out project called “CodeHive” on Integration Track. would love to hear some feedback if possible :hugs:

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Sure, I have reviewed the project and it looks cool.

However, I haven’t tested it. I will test it thoroughly and provide you feedback.

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thanks for the review, yeah sure take your time to review the project thoroughly and the good part of our platform is any developer can post a valid coding problem and set a bounty for it

here’s a little sneakpeak :

if you like the project don’t forgot to vote us on the Integration track

thank you :v:

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