Classic Chords by team Chordians - Unleash The Artist In You & Make Your Own Web3 Music

Project Name: Classic Chords

Project Track: NFT

Team Name: Chordians

Team Member(s): @akash @rahulrajan

DevPost URL: (Classic Chords | Devpost)

Project Goal: An interactive and rewarding platform for music and art lovers. Play your music and mint NFTs - taking generative art to the next level!

Project Info:

Sample Generative NFT Video - 1 :- :film_projector:

Sample Generative NFT Video - 2 :- :film_projector:

Project Website: (

Demo Video URL: Classic Chords. - YouTube

Contract Address:

Project Test Instructions:
(1) Go to the live website.
(2) Create your profile using the edit icon available on the right side of the profile page.
(3) If you don’t want to put any NFT on sale you can skip the second step and directly visit the player page where you can play an instrument and generate NFT.
(4) you can press the start recording button(which is available on the right side in the controls) to record the music and generate ART.
(5) As soon as you press stop recording you will see a pop-up to mint that NFT.
(6) You can fill that form and mint NFT.
(7) In your profile you will see your minted NFTs as well as any NFT that you bought, you can put on sell or rent from that section.
(8) Every Artist will be visible on the Explore page. You can visit their profile and buy their NFT.
(9) There is a stream button. You can use that to either start a stream or view the available streams.

Currently, smart contracts are deployed on the BTTC chain so you can connect it and explore ClassicChords.

Project Details: Classic Chords provides a means of generating NFTs from the music you play from the instruments. The algorithm generates the art based on the keys pressed, the duration of the music and various other interesting factors.

The generated art can be stored as an NFT, along with the music played as background.

You can mint these NFTs for your fans and followers as an artist. Similarly, live streams can strengthen the musicians’ community at Classic Chords. Those with the NFTs gain access to premium live streams the artist can host.

The NFT will have some useful features,

(1) An artist can create a stream for their community (users who hold that artist’s NFT) or create a general stream for everyone on the platform. Those with the NFTs from the artist can access the community streams too.

(2) A user can give away their NFTs for rent. So the user who is either holding their NFT or who has rented the NFT can participate in the premium stream of the artist.

Project Milestones:

2-11-2022: Music instrument creation and Minting NFT from the music.

6-11-2022: Marketplace functionality.

9-11-2022: Streaming Platform Completion.

13-11-2022: Smart Contract Integration Completed and Bug Fixing.

14-11-2022: Launching our First Version :clinking_glasses:

Future Goals

  • To create a generative art more robust and optimized so that the player can be smooth.
  • Provide support for the MIDI instrument, so we won’t have to record it using the mic.
  • Provide support for uploading MIDI files.
  • Premium live stream to monetize the artist.
  • Collaborating with the artists to create exclusive art.
  • Find more options to incentivize the artists in a democratized way.

That is cool UI! And such a fresh idea! Waiting to play some instruments on the app :slight_smile:


Great user interface with the blend of purple colour. Music lovers this is a good project. Play and mint NFTs :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


Interesting concept, any ETA for a demo video?


@rahulrajan Have to admit music NFT is one of the use case for NFT that needs to be captured and actually show artists how they can use NFT correctly.

This set up is interesting but can you say the level of creation you mean here? is it adobe studio level or Garage band software style?

Will be interested in seeing the UI for this :+1:


Apart from minting NFT, how would the users or the creators monetize their premium NFT due to some gas fees that will be paid on the mainnet.


Thanks for your support :smile: .


Happy to see the excitement among community members. Hope you will be one of the initial NFT minters of the platform.


I appreciate that you like the concept of the project. The ETA for the demo video is 12th November.


@Simon, The setup for the MVP version will be like a piano app, where creators will have the option to select an instrument and play the music.

Our vision is to make the website a one-stop for musicians, where they can play and edit their music and generate NFTs out of it.

We will also introduce support for the MIDI instruments and if creators already have a MIDI file they can upload it.

Hope you got your answer, let me know if you have any additional questions. Thank you :+1:.


We are using ERC1155, so that creator will have the option to mint multiple tokens.
These NFTs can be bought or it can be put on rent, creators will get royalties in both cases.
We are expecting that the renting will help both, creators as well as NFT holders.
Also, the Renting of NFT can help any cafe or someone who just wants to attend a concert only once.
It will eventually help the local artist as their NFT price may go high based on how users are liking the NFTs and concerts.


@rahulrajan Thanks yes I can see how it will be if its like the Piano app, if we can test that will be great as there are quite a few music artists in the Tron space that can give feed back on this for you :grinning: :+1:


@simon, Thanks for your support. We will definitely share the link for testing once we are ready with the piano part. :slightly_smiling_face:


One-stop for musicians! Sounds awesome! :slight_smile:


Cool & unique idea. Anticipating the design will be cool too.
Waiting to play the piano. All the best guys.


Amazingg UI Guys!!! :heart_eyes: Waiting for the demo!!


Definitely bring this to the front. I can’t wait to get started. :saluting_face:


The UI looks very good and even the Color Theme has a Royal look to it. You can even Live Stream! It is really a cool and looking forward to it. It is like every Music Lovers dream come True.


Thanks for your support. we are also excited to bring this to the table. :smiley:


Wow… Amazing guys :star_struck:… Waiting to get started…All the best​:+1: