Easy TRONsfer - Transfer using your familiar web2 account name

Project Name: Easy TRONsfer
Project Track: [DeFi]
Team Name: @choongpw
Team Member(s): 1
DevPost URL: Devpost
Project Goal: TRONsfer makes it easy for you to transfer TRX or TRC20 token via your familiar web2 interface.
Project Info: TRONsfer
Project Website: https://easy-tronsfer.vercel.app
Project Test Instructions:

  1. Transfer fund to the contract. - To begin, you need a wallet to put some fund before you can use the app. The UX should be intuitive enough to use.
  2. Receive fund back to wallet - Login to the account using the web3 account you has transferred earlier. The UX should be intuitive enough to use.
  3. Receive fund transfer to other user - Login to the account using the web3 account you has transferred earlier. The UX should be intuitive enough to use.
    Project Details: Easy TRONsfer - YouTube Demo
    Project Milestones: As mentioned in the video, the application is designed to cater to different networks within the same application. We can’t wait to deploy it to the other network once we have the resources and market validation to do so.

can’t wait to see the project. Nice :blush:




Nice project, wishing you a successful launch

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Bravo to the team, Nice project, but how big is the Transfer GAS FEE, or is it FREE?


Not that much honestly, mostly consumed the bandwidth and energy. Still, I think TRX matters.

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Okay, we look forward to it


Nice project… Waiting for it to be launch :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


@choongpw looks good, this is something Twitter may even be looking into so if you can add most web 2 access that would be amazing :+1:

When can we test?

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Wonderful projects outline here. :ok_hand:

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You can start to test it here. Easy TRONsfer

Is still a hackathon project after all. Using all the available free resources to test and validate the product idea. :joy:

if you can add most web 2 access

Is not that difficult to do given the service provider we used is NextAuth. As you can see, most of the web2 services you can think of is there. Just need to integrate it.

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@choongpw Nice one, thanks for sending the update, will have a check as working models will do better in the hackathon :clap:


So creative project guys, we need such type of defi projects more. U took 1 vote from me. Maybe u also check our project. Good wishes in ur competition. :pray: :dizzy:


Nice project ,pls what are some features of web 2 project?


I admire the simplicity of this project idea. However, the team has work to do with the User Interface, logic (no connect wallet button? => no way to test the app)
Refer to tron documentation (Background) if you need any help(connect wallet script)

Thanks team, looking forward to an updated version of this next season


Hi @Stevegee, thanks for looking into the project. The app detects the wallet through the installed TronLink on the browser. If the wallet is not responding, try refreshing the page. Old trick work wonders sometimes :smiley: .

Users without TronLink installed, can log in using the “receive page” to play around with the features. The catch here is they need someone to send them some funds before they can start transferring around to other people.

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I don’t understand the question. Mind elaborating a bit more?

Haha, I am gonna try real quick. Sometimes, negligence on my part