TRON Transfer DApp

Project Name: TRON Transfer DApp

Project Track: Integration

Team Name: Solo

Team Member(s): AbhishekTripathi

DevPost Project Link: Devpost

Project Goal:
The goal of the TRON Transfer DApp is to provide users with an easy and seamless way to transfer TRC-20 tokens on the TRON network using the TronLink wallet.

Project Value:
The DApp simplifies token transfers on the TRON blockchain, ensuring secure, decentralized transactions while offering real-time feedback on transfers. It promotes broader adoption by enhancing the user experience within the TRON ecosystem.

Project Website: TRON Transfer DApp

Project Test Instructions:

  1. Ensure you have the TronLink wallet installed and connected to the TRON testnet.
  2. Visit TRON Transfer DApp.
  3. Log in with your TronLink wallet.
  4. Add the custom TRC-20 token using this contract address: TY5sn2NZnFzQ9q2EfGQq5EveL1gcVsnq7Z.
  5. You can now send and receive TRC-20 tokens within the DApp.

Project Details:
The TRON Transfer DApp allows users to easily transfer TRC-20 tokens with a user-friendly interface. It automatically detects the TronLink wallet, allowing users to interact with their tokens seamlessly. The DApp supports custom tokens and provides real-time transaction confirmations.

Smart Contract links: Testnet Smart Contract

Project Milestones:

  • Week 1: Complete UI and wallet integration for TRC-20 token transfers.
  • Week 2: Deploy smart contract and perform testing on TRON testnet.
  • Week 3: Ensure full functionality with real-time token transfer and feedback.
  • Week 4: Final debugging and submission of the project.

Welcome to hackaTRONs7 ! I do not understand why we need TRON Transfer dapp to transfer TRC20 tokens when we already have TRON non custodial wallets like Tronlink? How this project is solving any problem?


Welcome to Hackathon Season 7, your entry is so concise and short, have to read through again to air my 2 cents.

You got that correctly.

Hello @0xXavierr, welcome to the season.
But with due respect the problem your project is trying to solved is already provided in TRON LINK PRO WALLET and the rest of the wallet. ANYTHING UNIQUE YOU GOING TO ADD ?

Btw, I just tested .

Trust you can explain better.


Welcome team, aside transfer of trc20 tokens what other function can this product perform. As already stated by @HODL and @Gordian, Tronlink can be used to transfer trc20. So why will one use tronlink and go to your dapp to do something he can use tronlink to do?


Welcome to hackathon S7
Your project is quite interesting but I have some questions that needs clarity

What steps have you put are in place to promote the DApp and reach a wider audience.

How are you going to handle a large numbers of transactions without having challenge.

Is there any limitations in terms of transactions

Hi Mr Dear @0xXavierr…
The TRON Transfer DApp is a remarkable tool that simplifies the process of transferring TRC-20 tokens. Its user-friendly interface, combined with automatic detection of the TronLink wallet, makes it incredibly accessible for all users. The support for custom tokens and real-time transaction confirmations further enhances the experience, ensuring seamless interactions with your assets. This innovative approach truly exemplifies the potential of decentralized applications in streamlining cryptocurrency transactions. Well done!

Thank you for the question! Right now, the DApp connects to TronLink to make token transfers easier. But I’m working on expanding it! Soon, I’ll be turning this DApp into a Telegram Mini App, which will allow users to send TRC-20 tokens directly through a Telegram bot. This will make sending tokens even more convenient, as people can transfer tokens without needing to leave Telegram or open a separate wallet app.

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To promote the DApp, I’m working on integrating it as a Telegram Mini App for easier access and will use social media, forums, and TRON communities to reach a wider audience.

Since it’s built on the TRON network, which handles fast and low-cost transactions, scaling to handle a large number of transfers won’t be an issue.

As for limitations, the only constraints are related to TRON’s bandwidth and energy limits, but users can manage this by freezing TRX to get more resources.

Okay great.

Devpost link in your submission is not right. Please correct it.

1 Like

Thanks for the explanation and clarity, I will get back to you

Welcome to the Hackathon of season 7, I am thinking there are parts of your project entry that needs updating, thank you

Welcome to the hackathon session 7
My observation is that

  1. What you are offering is already available on Tron link with seamless experience like launching your Tron link app and send trc20 the user want to send. Why do users have to go through dApp to send trc20 token when they can do that in the comfort of their Tron link interface?
  2. If your solution is to be accepted by the community, is it compatible with other Tron wallets, or is it designed exclusively for Tron link?
  3. If not currently compatible with other Tron wallets, do you plan to expand its compatibility in the future?

@admin.hackathon @SimbadMarino @WindsOfChange92 @adeel @Gordian @Prince-Onscolo @fabsltsa @manfred_jr @Youngyuppie @Relate101 @Okorie @ines_valerie @fabsltsa @Chizz @Chukseucharia

@0xXavierr to send tokens people don’t need to use your platform. They can do it through wallets easily and faster.

Also your smart contract looks like it didn’t connect to your platform, you are just sending tokens by using javascript. It is not we wanted to see in this hackathon. And your DevPost link takes us to DevPost main page not to your submission.


Welcome to hackathon S7! I have few questions for this project :
1.How does the TRON Transfer DApp keep users’ private keys safe when they send tokens, and what steps are taken to prevent security issues with the TronLink wallet?

2.How will the DApp help new users learn about TRC-20 tokens and how to use the app, especially if they don’t know much about blockchain?

Welcome to the hackathon season 7
You mentioned about offering real time feedback on transfers. Can you please explain how such system works and how it will improve the user experience?

Hello team, welcome to this season, can you tell me why I will leave Tronlink and use Tron transfer dapp?
Is so certain your entry is so short

:muscle: Awesome progress! I just liked your project—well deserved. If you haven’t already, check out ours and give us a like as well. Voting starts tomorrow, let’s keep supporting each other! :rocket:

Will the DApp support more custom TRC-20 tokens? How can users add them?

Dear Mr. @0xXavierr
I read this again and again its good project or topic but i have som questions aboute this cane you gives me answers…

  1. What specific challenges do you anticipate during the wallet integration for TRC-20 token transfers in Week 1?

  2. How will you approach testing the smart contract on the TRON testnet in Week 2 to ensure it meets security and functionality standards?

  3. What strategies will you implement during the final debugging phase in Week 4 to effectively identify and resolve any remaining issues?
