Ecomarket - Open Marketplace for Procuring Used & Recycled Plastics Online

Good luck guys and Welcome to S4!


Greetings @ChainBuilderPO ! Your project seems to be missing details on:

Project Website:
Project Test Instructions:

Please add them to your project. Thank you!

Hello team!

The project description is thorough! Wish you all the best.

While you have addressed almost all the working of the project, I wanted to know if the platform will also take care of the logistics of delivering the plastic bottles to the buyer, etc.



How will you measure the reduced volume of plastic waste in areas where you have collection centers? Will you compare the data before and after the implementation of the project?


Hi everyone,

We’re pleased to inform you that the EcoMarket website is now live!

Some parts are broken, so please bear with us while we fix them in readiness for go-live tomorrow!



Hello Buddy
Congratulations and all the best

But, I’m afraid to say cant access the website

Thanks for catching that @Gordian. It was a redirect issue. Should be fixed now.

Please try it on a desktop, and try signing in as a company and creating an offer.

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Welcome to Hackathon season 4. I must confess, I like your project and am optimistic about it. I wish you the best of luck.


Your project will help to alleviate a major problem in Africa. My question is how is prices going to be determined. Is it by the system or the buyer ?


I will also plead with you to include insurance for the sellers because they sometimes come across accident in their quest to gather the waste/plastics.


as a community, we need to support more eco-friendly projects. They are not just good for crypto also for environment. Best wishes to all of eco projects…


This is actually one of the best I’ve seen so far. Keep it up👍🏽


This will definitely solve a lot of problems in our ecosystem. Good work.


Good idea!

This will be added to our open dispute portal, which we’re currently working on.

Stay tuned! :wink:

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Thanks for your question @kaarasamuel9

the buyer sets the price, but as an open marketplace, most recyclers would go for offers with higher prices, so buyers have an incentive to set a reasonable price.

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Nice project. Plastic waste is indeed a problem as it takes thousands of years for a plastic to degrade and this indeed has a negative overall effect on the environment.

My question is, are you creating your own collection centres or you have companies that you are already in partnership with that are taking these plastic waste from the collectors.

Also how fair is the transaction between a collector and and buyer, are you using any weighing system so that the weight will determine the number of tokens to receive.

Furthermore does your project seek to accept any plastic at all cos i know some plastic cannot be recycled especially with the LDPE (low density polyethylene). i stand to be corrected


Si pero has pensado que el principal problema es el de utilizar el plástico en envases y en tu vida diaria, crean el problema y después tu buscas la solución, que más tarde pagarás con impuestos o excusas.
Antes se usaba vidrio para todo, el cual se devolvía y obtenias otro envase, sino debías de pagarlo.
El plástico es perjudicial para el organismo, se adhiere a los productos que más tarde tu consumes.
La mayor solución es no consumir alimentos envasados en plástico y aluminio. Despertemos usemos lo que siempre se había empleado, no siempre lo moderno es acorde con tu salud.


When i was a child, all food in Ghana were wrapped in leaves, we said it was unhygienic, we abandoned our green leaves wrappers and adopted polytene bags, now this generation has come to realise these plastic bags are killing us slowly and they have reverted to the leaves again.

But all these weedicides we have been applying in our farms has almost sent this special type of leaf for the wrapping into extinction. If we dont wake up now, we wont wake up at all.

Leave name: Katemfe
Photo credits: Padormar and Blend of bite


Te das cuenta como eran más inteligentes nuestros ancestros que se guiaban por la intuición del ser humano.
En cambio la generación actual se guía por los medios de manipulación masiva, tengo un lema lo que me dicen que es bueno, ni lo pruebo, prefiero lo malo para todos, se que mi salud me lo agredecerá.


Bien dicho antonio, moderno no siempre significa crecimiento o bien.