Gaia Deals - An eco-oriented peer to peer marketplace on Tron Network

Project Name: Gaia Deals
Project Track: Web3
Team Name: GaiaDeals
Team Member(s): 1 @GaiaDeals (waiting for 1 more dev friend to join)
DevPost URL:
Youtube Video: GAIA DEALS - TRON Grand Hackathon - Season 3 - YouTube
Project Goal: Provide an eco-oriented peer to peer marketplace focused on second hand goods with a sustainable rewards program for its users.

Project Info:

Gaia Deals is an eco-oriented peer to peer marketplace with a sustainable rewards program for its users. The main actors in this marketplace will be second hand goods like furniture, clothes and home items. So the more environmentally beneficial the deal, the better the rewards for both buyer and seller.

The basic workflow to complete a deal looks like this:

  • A seller publishes an article to sell.
  • An interested buyer finds that article and presses the buy button.
  • The buyer adds his physical address data to calculate the shipping cost.
  • In the checkout page the buyer gets the total amount (with discounts if own any badge) and proceeds to pay for the deal.
  • A new deal (and contract) is created for both buyer and seller and the amount is locked in contract until the buyer validates the arrival of the article.
  • The buyer receives the article and unlocks the deal’s amount to be transferred to the seller’s wallet.
  • Now both can leave a review and qualify each other.

The rewards will depend on a score that is determined by the age and the materials with which the article to sell is made. Once a deal is completed, these points will be added to the profile of the users involved. When a user manages to accumulate a certain number of points, they are awarded a badge (these vary depending on the milestones and have up to 3 levels) that gives them the possibility of opting for discounts and cashbacks in future deals related to the category of the earned badge.

The sustainable rewards program refers to the ability of the project to maintain user’s rewards over time without the need for external capital to keep incentives alive. Taking this into account, the idea is to place the income generated by the deals commissions in a Lending protocol (like JustLend DAO) to generate passive income, this income will be used to sustain the rewards program.

Project Website:
Project Test Instructions:

At the moment the project is working in the Nile Testnet, so you’ll need to get some TRX from a faucet like NileexIO. After that you can go to Gaia Deals and test making some deals.

The work continues and soon the upload form for new products will be fully enabled. The reviews feature is being coded as well.

Project Details:

Project Milestones:

  • Branding and wireframes [done]
  • Develop the base frontend using NextJS [done]
  • Add score/badges functionality
  • Develop and deploy Smartcontracts [done]

Greetings GaiaDeals! Your project seems to be missing details on the following. Please add them to your project. Thank you!

Please Include:
Project Website
Project Test Instructions
Project Details
Contract Address

The submission for Devpost has been made and work continues, soon the upload form for new products will be fully enabled. The reviews feature is being coded as well.

Here is the URL of our current contract:

Something I don’t see in the presentation post is the distance between the buyer and the seller.
If your platform is eco-oriented it should somehow prioritize short distances. Buying second hand clothing is good, but if you have to ship those items by boats or airplane I’m not sure it’s really better than buy new clothes or find a second-hand items shop in the closest city.
So are you going to show only products that are in the user’s area or calculate users rewards taking into account the environmental impact due to shipping?

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Hi @fabsltsa, thanks for your comment.

In this case, the idea is to give better visibility to the assets that are close to your geographical area without establishing a restriction to see those that are beyond.

Logically this must have an impact on the rewards since the closer the two are, the better the incentives should be. So the distance between seller and buyer must be added as an additional parameter for this calculation, thanks for pointing it out.

Thanks a good idea :+1:


Publications form and Deals reviews are now enabled!

If you want to test our dApp remember first to switch to the Nile testnet and get some test tokens from the faucet TRON | NILE TESTNET

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Such an amazing project! good luck!


good project details!


It really worths investing on


Thats wonderful, i liked to buy things online both brand new and second hand goods. But i was nearly scammed twice that made me lose the appetite for online goods.

I always love it when platform verifies if the item actually exist and it is in the condition as described and will be will to do the delivery for me.

If it is not already in place then I recommend.

  • integrating third party inspection team on the platform to do verification processes of the items.
    The buyer gets to choose the inspector he wants to check out the item for him or her.

  • third party delivery services to deliver the goods to the buyer. The buyer again gets to choose the delivery services he or she would want.

If the buyer wants the best they should be willing to pay for these services.
If i had all these in place in my situation, i wouldnt have travelled 8hrs to check out an item that was not existing in the first place.

Thank you


necessary web3 project, we had to see more projects in that field


Hi @Nana66419! Thanks for take the time for comment.

Initially the idea is to allow the buyer and seller to pact the delivery service since is a p2p platform, that’s why the funds will be locked until confirmation by the buyer. With that said a step forward will be the integration of third party delivery services inside the platform to allow users choose from trusted services.

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Thank you everybody for your kind comments! The work continues :muscle:

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Hola, están realizando un buen trabajo, se necesitan cada vez más proyectos de esta índole, es una buena idea el emplear el sistema p2p y que los fondos queden bloqueados hasta la entrega del producto, de todas maneras estría bien poder incorporar un sistema para verificar los objetos y el pago desde la misma plataforma. Suerte


Yeah! I can emphatically say this project confidently fits in this category. Kudos to the team!

However, proper implementation of Tronlink Events will improve the User Experience.

How do you intend to drive traffic to this marketplace?


Nice project ! Although I tried the project and it did not work to buy something there… in console log: ‘No contract or not a valid smart contract’

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Hey Antonio, gracias por tu comentario!

Si, todo lo que tiene que ver con confiabilidad y veracidad dentro del ecommerce anade una capa de trabajo en la parte logistica. Es por eso que se modelo el concepto en torno a P2P y que sea el comprador el primer validador de la transaccion, pero para mas adelante no se descarta un sistema interno de validacion.

Hi @Stevegee , thanks for your feedback!

Yes, the events in Tronklink are needed and will be added to the to the workflow.

Regarding the traffic the starting point will be Twitter since is the preferred social network for crypto natives, and after that for a broader audience TikTok and Instagram.

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Oh thanks!

Are you using the Nile testnet?

You have a DM :slight_smile: