Enlighten - Decentralized open library for anyone to upload, read and download books for free without restrictions

Topic title: Enlighten by Hexagon Labs - Decentralized open library for anyone to download, upload, and read any book.

Project Name: Enlighten
Project Track: Academy
Team Name: Hexagon Labs
Team Member(s): @Chuks , @Temitope , @Saheed
DevPost URL: Enlighten | Devpost
Project Goal: Enlighten aims to provide easy access to free books in the public domain.
Project Info: Enlighten - Pitch Deck.pdf (4.9 MB)
Project Website: Enlighten website
Contract address: Enlighten contract
Project Test Instructions:

Project Details: People are faced with inaccessibility to books, most especially digital books. The need to register, login, geographical location issues, and lot more. Enlighten is built to

  • Allow users Read and Download Books
  • Allow users Add Books to library
  • Allow books to be uploaded to ipfs and minted onchain as NFTs

Project Milestones:

  • Deploying on Enlighten contract.
  • Search feature to get books quickly.
  • Categorizing books for easy accessibility.

Education should always be free but also decentralized without possibility of manipulation like we saw during the pandemic and also with recent gas lighting in what a recession is.

This should work hand in hand with the BTTC in file storage correct?


Hola, es interesante, además es primordial que todo ser humano tenga derecho a poder informarse e investigar por si mismo en plena libertad y decidir si esa información está acorde en sus pensamientos y forma de vivir.


Yes, absolutely!

Couldn’t have said it any better :ok_hand:


Thanks Antonio, you’re right

Had to use a translator to get that haha :wink:

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Will users have to pay a fee for downloading books or only the blockchain gasfees?
If yes, where will the benefits go?

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Awesome, a lot of projects head straight for Tron and neglect the BTTC storage and also now it’s own blockchain :sunglasses:

Looking forward to watching this project develop :handshake:

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@Saheed, This is a good project that will be beneficial to the students and those who want to read and level up. But will this be free?


Damn , you people are going to replace Amazon kindle !

What will be the uptime for Enlighten by the way ?

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i think it be having some incentivizing system for storing books and keeping it available for users … community support will be the core element here. Am i right @Saheed ?


Nice one, another great work from hexagon labs.

Education moving better with the help of decentralised library


good to see! ipfs or btfs or something else?

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No, users do not need to pay any fee(including Blockchain gas fee) for downloading book


Thanks @simon
We’ll keep you updated!

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@shuntola Yes, Enlighten will be free for users to read and download books


You’re right @umarkhatab465

Community support is essential for the success of this project

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Is free book downloading compatible with legal downloading? No fees sent to the authors?

The details are quite attractive. I absolutely want to see the finished product!

Greetings Saheed! Your project seems to be missing details on the following. Please add them to your project. Thank you!

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Project Info
Project Website
Project Test Instructions
Contract Address

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This is a great project, I look forward to it

Welldone Hexagon labs!