GATHBOOK by Morgan - Where Your Digital Books Are Truly Yours

Yeah, that would be cool.

You’re right, 'cause the current era is still in transition to the true usefulness of this technology.

Our responsibility is to create a product using the same technology as memecoin now, but not just buying and selling tokens that have two possibilities, profit or loss, but we package it well, with mutually beneficial uses.

By creating projects like this, we hope that one day people will realise that this technology is not just for that.

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The author will not receive any material benefit if you transfer or donate books, which is you just transferring the ownership of your book to another address.

However, it is beneficial for the author because they can see the value of their readers in real terms, according to the transfer of ownership of the book.

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Hello and welcome back to the Hackatron! the idea of managing digital books with NFTs could be a great way to attract non crypto native people. Have you considered adding royalties for authors in the smart contract? I foresee you could have some issues with authors not getting new buyers if everything is transacted trough “second hand “ market places.

As an idea for the initial collection of books for your store you could make use of public domain books out there.

Good luck and keep building with us!


Hello @SimbadMarino , if you mention about “second hand” or the secondary market, you can see in the pitch deck that we put in this post, on page 9, of course we estimate royalties for authors in the secondary market, it says that authors have a 10% royalty if the book is resold.

Great, thank you for the idea!

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Except for donating or transferring it for free with no resale value.

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Welcome to season 7
Wow :astonished: this project is amazing after going through I can say ur project make digital books more like physical book, which one can own,share and sell them easily.
Moreover is also good for readers and author,this is nice

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it’s exactly what you said.

Thank you for your support, it really helps to keep this project running as it should :smiley:

Either ways, beyond the initial 25 book collections, what’s the strategy for continually adding new and diverse content to keep users engaged?

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I want to thank you for your replying to me,
I will want to know how are all your strategy to get different type of books, as it is that your content is for local and the global audience, thank you

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Thanks for the question!

The next strategy is collaboration with Author Influencers.

Of course, there’s more to it than that, but we’re still saving it.
We have to keep it real!

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All books have different types, but the essence of books is universal hehe.
But in reality, we still use the English version for each type of book.

I’m not sure about your question :smiley:

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Quite frankly, the collaboration with author influencers is a smart approach, as it leverages the credibility and reach of established voices in the literary community. But I suggest you should consider creating influencer-led campaigns where these authors not only promote Gathbook but also offer exclusive content.
Furthermore, how do you plan to select the author influencers you collaborate with?


It is a happy thing that you offer English version, but as you are starting with the English version do you plan expansion into markets that do not speak English like Asia, thank you


Yes sure, we thought the same thing.

One of our team has relation with some author influencers, so we know where to start.

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Yes, our planning is like that, starting from all versions using English for multi-national users, but the coverage has not yet reached the global market, then our main step will also reach the Indonesian market first, as we said.

Oh I see so the only difference is that, in the traditional way even if part A transfer the book to party B, the author will notice all the different users.


It’s great to hear that you already have connections with author influencers. Leveraging these relationships can significantly accelerate your growth and enhance credibility.

How do you envision these initial collaborations with author influencers? Will they be one-time events, or do you plan to establish long-term partnerships where these influencers have a recurring role in promoting and enhancing the platform?

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It is likely that these author collaborations will be long term, but not fixated on a particular author influencer, but as it develops, there will be many collaborations with other author influencers according to the market.

Indeed this project is amazing

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Hello @Okorie ,
Thank you for your kind words.