GATHBOOK by Morgan - Where Your Digital Books Are Truly Yours

Project Name:


Project Track:


Team Name:


Team Member(s):

5 - @youvandra , @galihpermana29 , @zidanebasalamah , @reihanms , @FadjarDuwi

Devpost Project Link:


Project Goal:

The project aims to address the lack of true ownership in the digital book industry, where consumers currently purchase licenses instead of the actual content. The project is to create true ownership of digital books through blockchain technology. The goal is to empower consumers with the ability to resell, lend, or transfer their digital books in a simple way. In addition, the project also aims to give authors and publishers direct access to their audiences, open up new sources of revenue, and increase control over their digital works.
Curbing the longing of a group of readers who want to experience a new sensation with books in the current era.

Project Value:

With blockchain integration, users can easily transfer Books to friends after finishing them or donate their used digital books to non-profit organizations. They can resell their Books on the open marketplace at gathbook and see the real-time value of their digital book collection. NFTs enable the creation of collectible editions and unique digital collections, providing a new way for readers to connect directly with authors and publishers. Smart contracts enable a continuous revenue stream through secondary sales, with authors able to assign and receive royalties instantly. The technology also supports instant transfer of Publisher Sales Rights, transparent tracking of book ownership, and the formation of exclusive book clubs for verified buyers.

Project Info:

Please read our pitch deck :
Pitch_Deck_Gathbook.pdf (6.8 MB)

Project Website:

Project Test Instructions:

UI Instructions - Desktop

Register page: you can register account from this page.

Login page: you can login from this page.

navbar section from left to right:
Logo - Account Name - Become an Author - Connect wallet - Collections - Logout - Dark-light mode

if wallet is not connected
if wallet is connected


in Homepage, you can see all the books on sale.
Because there are not many books in the library yet, we use a simple display, if the library has enough books, we will create a library page with section filters.

Book_page: If you are interested in a book and click on the homepage, you will be directed here.
if you don’t have it yet, there will be a purchase selection view.
you can choose how you want to buy, you can direct buy or buy from friend.

If you choose buy from friend, you must enter your friend address, and you get the friend price! :facepunch:

After you buy a book, the book page will display three buttons:
read book - resell - donate

Modal input will appear if you choose resell or donate, resell will display the set price input, and donate will display the address input, aka who you will donate your book to.

You can claim if you get an NFT donation from someone.

Read Book Experience:



Mobile testing

make sure your web browser supports the metamask extension, or use a browser from metamask app mobile, and make sure the wallet is connected to the bttc testnet network.

Desktop demo testing

Light-mode page:

Technical Instructions

Getting started running the Gathbook site on your local

Clone code from github:

Open terminal, then copy and run this command:

git clone

Make sure you have installed the git library.

Go to the gathbook folder:

run this command:

cd gathbook/

Build on your local

Make sure you have installed NPM.

run this command:

npm install
npm run build

if the build is complete, then run this command:

npm run start

Run project!

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

BTTC Testnet Network-Metamask-Set

Add network manually:

Network name :
BitTorrent Chain Donau
Chain ID:
Currency symbol:
Block explorer URL (Optional) :

Project Details:

Gathbook is a revolutionary platform that merges the realms of literature and blockchain, providing a fresh approach to the reading experience in the digital age. Inspired by the desire to enhance the connection between readers and the books they cherish, Gathbook transforms traditional books into NFT-based assets, creating unique identities that foster meaningful engagement among authors, publishers, and readers.
By leveraging modern technologies like Next.js, TypeScript, and Solidity, we’ve built a responsive and user-friendly platform that allows users to buy, sell, and donate NFT-based books while enjoying seamless transactions and an interactive reading experience. Despite challenges in integrating blockchain technology and educating users about NFTs, our team has successfully crafted a platform that values storytelling and knowledge sharing.

Looking ahead, Gathbook is committed to expanding its offerings, enhancing community engagement, and establishing innovative educational resources. Our vision includes creating cafés with digital libraries, encouraging reading, and improving literacy in our digital era. With these initiatives, Gathbook aims not only to redefine the literary landscape but also to make a meaningful impact on the way we connect with literature.

Smart Contract links:

Testnet - Gathbook Testnet Smart Contract

Mainnet - Gathbook Mainnet Smart Contract

Project Milestones:

August 2024

  • Ideation process :white_check_mark:

  • Project conceptualization and design :white_check_mark:

September 2024

  • Designing the website user interface :white_check_mark:

  • Programming the front end and back end :white_check_mark:

  • Creating smart contracts :white_check_mark:

  • Integration of smart contracts with front end :white_check_mark:

  • Testing and debugging the project :white_check_mark:

  • Finalizing the project :white_check_mark:

  • Testnet launch :white_check_mark:

October 2024

  • Launch of first NFT-based digital book from selected gathbook authors :white_check_mark:

  • User experience testing :white_check_mark:

  • Improve website features and functionality from community feedback :white_check_mark:

November 2024

  • Landing Page :white_check_mark:

  • Mainnet Launch :white_check_mark:

December 2024

  • Marketing Strategy and building branding on several social media platforms (to do)

  • Generate users to the platform

  • Launch 25 book collections on the platform.

Q1 2025

  • Strengthen branding on several social media platforms

  • Add additional features to the website

  • Create online events for readers and authors to interact in interpreting books.

Q2-Q4 2025

  • Gathbook Cafe

Hello Morgan, welcome to this session. Good to have you again here.

Your name is familiar with previous projects you built.
Project like.




and some others. So before we get to this your new project this session. What are the update on the previous ones. Thank you.


Welcome to S7, Morgan and team
I like the idea of GATHBOOK, I can’t wait to see how it changes the way we read and interact with digital books. Also I will like to see more project details


Cool, you really pay attention to my projects, I appreciate it.

As Mark Zuckerberg said: Facebook wasn’t the first project he created.
J.K Rowling had twelve rejections before finally writing and publishing Harry Potter.

Likewise with me, this is not the first project I’ve created here.
Some fail, some succeed, some are possible to continue and some are not.

Getting the win is not the main point but one of the important points, to continue the project.
Other successful projects as I often see are justmoney, savewallet and others, require very high vision, full dedication.
I learned a lot from them, and I am still learning.

One that I’m still developing is Artbeat: after getting a big funding from Tron DAO and a good enough market to continue it, I’m working on big plans for the project, of course I’ll share them here, but not in this season, just wait for the buzz.

the gathbook project will also be an integral part of the artbeat project, as it has almost the same goals and vision, which is to improve the quality of artists, writers, and other creativepreneurs.

Thank you for the question. Respect.
Thank you for your support. I am also one of the people who want the Tron ecosystem to grow.


Hey thanks for liking the idea!
Of course, I will show you the project details as soon as possible.

What I’m designing is the user experience of the way they read on the website. it’s not just text that’s just pasted on, there will be an interesting UI in terms of laying out chapters and subchapters in each book.

What I emphasize here is that all the digital books that you will have, it’s really owned. You can be the library itself. also you can easily resell, lend, donate the book after you finish reading it, with real ownership, so the author knows how many books they read with real value.

Hmmmm. Anyway once again welcome to the session.
I know of up and downs in building or organising anything.

I believe your lessons from the already existing and successful projects your mentioned above including Tronenergize will be big motivation to you.

In whatever your big plans are for Gathbook or ARTBEAT,
Keep it Real and feasible to do. Not just building for the session.

Thanks for the reply and big respect.
Not forgetting, you got social media handles for your project?


“keep it real and do able and not just building for sessions only”
important words for me, thanks again!

Sure, I will share the social media this week, we are adjusting and finalizing the project concept first.

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Feel free to ask questions, criticize, and give feedback again as and when the project progresses.

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Welcome to Grand hackathon S7,
Good to know that artbeat and gathbook is moulding to allign together.

,… therefore building is a different thing then enlightening people about what you have built is another different
Are you making any plans to educate people about the features you are implementing? Any plans to convince and attract more users to your platform?

Please in a simple terms I would also like to know how artbeat & gathbook mixture looks like and how we can know that both projects are matching to the same mission and direction.


Alright thank you for the response.The
part you say you can own the digital books you buy, just like physical copies, that can be resell, lend, or donate them when you’re done, it is great for authors because they get to see the real value of their work.I can’t wait to see how it comes together


Being able to share e-book via friends is a huge step in innovation :100::saluting_face:

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Thanks for the interesting question,

The Gathbook and Artbeat collaboration begins when a book that has meaning and a story, is wrapped in unique visual art. With the combination of visual art and books, a work will be even more priceless.

This will be a unique value to bring people to the platform, giving a new impression to enjoy reading, which will also give them a broad imagination when they read, not just a text that people might now be boring.

However, not only that, there are many other parameters that we are still discussing.

But this web3 packaging will be a challenge for us for users who may not understand much about NFTs and so on that will be used on the platform, of course we will provide education about it, as well as the features contained on the platform on social media or on our platform.

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Stay tuned! :smiley:

We welcome messages, criticism, and suggestions from this forum.

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Hey, Thanks!

We sincerely hope that from this innovation we will revive the literature of this era.

Welcome to Season 7, I read your offering and on first instance there’s really something off by not outrightly listing the names of your fellow team members, we’d collectively appreciate it if you do, thanks! :pray:t2:


Welcome to the Season 7, I am reading and I am thinking of a challenge, for you to convince people that are used to other platform with big libraries and good features will be challenge, so tell me about the incentives you are going to offer to attract people, thank you


Wow nice I think it is moulding to become a raw poetry and that would be nice
Imagining a platform packed with stories,arts and music :musical_note::notes:
You are really cooking :fried_egg: something yummy but my worries still lies on how to attract user especially this era that everyone is looking for degen 10000X memecoin :grin:

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hello, welcome team. Please I read something like users transferring books to their friends. How will am author benefit from this?


Hey, you’re sharp-eyed, thanks for the reminder!

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A platform that has a large library and good features, of course we’ve thought that those are some of the big challenges for us. but with us targeting a specific market, which is the southeast Asian market, especially Indonesia, a platform like this doesn’t exist in the market yet, it could be that this platform is the pioneer for their digital library right now.

By representing book ownership with NFT, they will enjoy the easy selling, buying, lending and donating features of book ownership which is the main point to attract users to buy their digital books on our platform.

And with the development of Gathbook, Gathbook will store more books and become a big library too and our features will probably be better than the existing ones, so that it reaches the global market and beats it.

Before achieving all of that, with the MVP project that we will complete this season, our platform will already have important features that can be used, as I mentioned above.