Hello our lovely #HackaTron participants, espto those who have registered on #Devpost but yet to publish your submission, please you have 13 days to to publish it. Remember as a new participant you need access here to publish, so please do not wait till last minutes. You may not get the admins to give you access.
Publish it for the community to go through, thank you
Hey can we continue to work on our project after deadline of 7 may I mean if we made an mvp till 7 may and do the rest designing and upgradation after 7 may according to our milestones
I now understand the influx of various projects submissions, I’m just joking lol.
Feels pretty good to see everyone bringing in their A-game to the Hackathon, the competition is gradually becoming fierce and interesting as time progresses.
9 days left and as a artistry developer team, our excitement increases day by day. In addition, the time pressure gives us extra motivation so that we can create better games and platforms.
As the QuestArcade team, we hope that all teams will complete their projects and have a good hackathon process together.