Hackathon projects in Different Languages

I was just thinking if there’s any way to prepare the projects in different languages? Or do they all have to be in English as a universal language. My first language is Spanish and idk if there’s any chance to do with it in Spanish Language speaking countries


Oh good point of view you bring to this forum.
Feel free to meet your mate @antonio Spanish too.
Maybe I suggest we can have a menu where which can choose which languages they will view Tron Dao forum.


As you said, English is a universal language, so I think it’s best that projects continue to be only in English. This way your project can be understood by most people.
To write a description of your project in English, you can use different translation services.

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I think its a great idea tbh and it would help many users to understand each other and maybe give feedback to each other again to improve themselves Spanish and more languages should be added to make the forum a more colorful place

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I’d be glad but idk how many people in Sweden care about it hahah


I personally think it should stick with English, unlike many Americans I’m bilingual and didn’t have any problems so far and you just highlighted it beautifully that its universal so as people we should meet up in one common language


Yeah gotta stick with English fr otherwise I couldn’t understand some of them haha


Implementing this will make the forum be in such a mess. It’s better to stick to the universal language for easier understanding among all users


Same for Norway bro hahahah :sweden: :norway:


Not a bad idea but some of the statements lose their meanings when translated with can only lead to more chaos.

Get someone to translate your project information into english and post it here. The comments can be in Spanish as it wouldn’t be that detailed like the forum post. We have been with our brother @antonio for a long time and we havent had issues with his short short comments that are always in spanish


There are some local events in my country I have been attending some of them and I can say they are useful :smile:


Adding Spanish language to the forum would be veryyy cool tbh @Nana66419 @LuisMiguel86


Where exactly you are from? If I had a chance I’d like to attend some of them and I guess I saw another posts about events in Europe recently

In North Carolina we don’t have much events even in English or Spanish but I’m sure Tron users would appreciate this idea to take a big step into globalization of tron and the forum. The bigger we are the stronger mate

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I think English id preffered as there are a lot of English speakers out there

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It would help to support English but I guess you can have a toggle in your project for switching language to support native as well?

In phase of improvement yes It would increase the productivity so much in my opinion

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Yes starting with forum we could get socialize more because I see everyday people from different countries here are talking about their experiences and ideas so it’s just a friendly idea :smiling_face:

Same the more international it gets better to keep the projects in english but we can communicate in different languages as well are there anyone speaks Lithuanian here :rofl:

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It’s best it stays in English cause like you clearly mentioned; English is a universal language. But I get your point, this is where translator comes in, depending on the tool available in your region. Like I did do an Espanol translation of your post, here :point_down:t2: