HackaTRON S4 2023 - Winners Announcements!

Thank you! It’s my pleasure to be involved here and see the full gamut of them learning and shipping updates!


Congrats for Winning all (for the entire TEAMS)

:clap::tada: Bravo web3 builders !

:raised_hands::crown: Well done defi builders!

:confetti_ball::+1: Congratulations gamefi builders!

:tada::clap: Way to go nft builders!

:raised_hands::trophy: You rock longterm builders!

:confetti_ball::balloon: Party time Eco-friendly builders!

with LOVE :heart:
Constantin dev @OnChainVision


Congrats for Winning all (for the entire TEAMS)

:+1::tada: Great job community web3 builders!

:tada::crown: King of success community defi builders!

:confetti_ball::clap: Hooray community gamefi builders!

:raised_hands::medal_sports: Champion community nft builders!

:+1::balloon: Thumbs up community longterm builders!

:tada::clap::+1: Awesome work community Eco-friendly builders!

:raised_hands::confetti_ball::crown: You rule Community Contributors!

with LOVE :heart:
Constantin dev @OnChainVision


thank you mate
keep building


Gracias por tus palabras, sigue construyendo proyectos de calidad.

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Please check your PM

Thank you buddy!
I’m already one of the early users of your project and I like the good work you’re doing there. Keep the spirit high :raised_hands:


Thank u mate for the shoutout


Thank you so much, wishing you all the best


Thanks for the recognition, bless :pray:t2:

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Thank you for organizing this HackaTRON. We are grateful for the opportunity and will continue our efforts in building the TRON ecosystem.

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Thank you so much! This hackathon helps us a lot in finalizing TRONSAVE! Just ask the admin how we can claim the prize after going mainnet, so excited

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Thank you for the mention ! All the best for future !

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Thank you @constantinpricope201, congratulations everyone.
We made it, we made it :blue_heart: :white_heart: :ocean:

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what a nice news, congratz all members :wave:

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Hello Everyone, thanks to those who have voted for Classic Chords and supported us during the hackathon either by appreciating our work or asking questions to make everyone understand the platform.

It’s heartbreaking again to not win anything this time. However, we accept that the builder track had a high competition and the deserving project won respective prices.

We will continue working on the project and make it live on the BTTC chain in a few days so everyone can use and enjoy the platform in whatever way they like it. We will inform the community when we finally launch classic chords on the main net.

Again thanks everyone for making the hackathon fun and informative.

Also, I would like to congratulate everyone who won or participated in this hackathon.


All good, keep it pushing to its live

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congratulations colleagues, you deserve it, I would have liked to hope to have won but for personal reasons it was impossible for me to keep up with my translations of different videos and information of the hackatron participants to the Spanish language, I must also say that I was a little discouraged that although I did not ask for anything in return no project was interested in my services, so I also withdrew so that other colleagues could give support in their own language of English.


Thanks Buddy.
Long days, good to have you back.

Ops sorry, I recall you offer to provide translation services.

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All hope is not lost bro… keep building, I hope you get either of the Determination or Engagement Prizes to help you keep building on your project. Best of luck in this journey :raised_hands: