Invitación a creadores de proyectos de este s4

Muchas gracias por incorporar un explicación tan concisa de su proyecto, siempre es bienvenido.

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Thank you @antonio, thank you for having me.
God bless you all :heart:

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Thanks for your question.

You can get more information and test instruction from our project submission post.

Classic Chords by team Chordians - Unleash The Artist In You & Make Your Own Web3 Music V2 - TRON Hackathon / Hackathon Season 4 - TRON DAO Forum

You can also visit the live site at

If you want to get more information can follow us on Twitter.


Thank you for the invitation @antonio
What is PayTron ?
PayTron is a decentralized payment management platform that helps users, companies and organizations to manage their payment.
Who benefits from PayTron?

  • PayTron helps companies to handle payment of their employees when it’s due and also provides a very good record of all transactions done by that company to their employees

  • PayTron helps employees to handle payment by companies using PayTron as a payment method

  • PayTron e-commerce as introduced today will help e-commerce platform to manage sales on their website and track everything in PayTron e-commerce dashboard.

Is PayTron easy to use as a beginner?
Yes PayTron is easy to use

  • Go to PayTron site
  • make sure you have Tronlink wallet extension on Nile testnet
  • connect your wallet and go to setup page there’s a simple form that will help onboard users who are not even familiar with blockchain technology.

The e-commerce was proposed by the community and I will be doing various YouTube videos to help developers build e-commerce site that leverages on blockchain technology using PayTron to handle and track payments.

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We are targeting users that are curious about web3, and want to learn in a fun way.

For example, one of the mandatory task will be the wallet installation. If the users doesn’t want to do it that their choice, but we decided that user will learn by doing, and everything will be integrated in the story.
All the interactions will be real interactions, with the real Web3 tools, so users can directly explore all the protocols with their very own wallet that will be installed.

As for the other mandatory interactions, like collect the money we send you on the testnet as part of the story to go to the next episode. It’s required to learn.

When we’ll be on the mainnet, the mandatory task will be on the mainnet, and yes we want to incentive the users to do so (otherwise it will not work, i agree), and we’ll build partnerships with the protocols we’ll showcase. For example, the mandatory task can be to deposit min $10 in a specific pool for a week, and you get extra APY paid in the platform token, receive a Poap, an NFT, or qualify for an airdrop… We can also send a reward for minting a specific NFT, if a new protocol want to incentive new users… well there are many option to incentive users


Te agradezco tus respuestas, es cierto que el comercio electrónico fue una propuesta de la comunidad y tu la apoyaste y la has hecho realidad. Felicidades.
Más adelante te hablaré para hacer un vídeo de you tube sobre tu proyecto si te parece bien.

If I get it correctly, ERG tokens receive support from the energy sold, to ensure that the tokens will not lose value against TRX.

  1. What of in times of low energy demands, is there any other measures on ground to ensure that the ERG token will not fall below the value of TRX (unless the low demand in the energy market will not have any effect on the backing of ERG tokens)?
  • Technically, it may not be possible as you said, but lot of sh*ts happen in the market. That’s why I want to know the measures your team have on ground to prevent this from happening since the value of ERG is open for change.
  1. With the introduction of stake 2.0 and its 14 + 1 days withdrawal period, is there any strategy you have implemented to ensure that your investors whom may not want to wait for such long withdrawal window withdraw their TRX instantly?
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That is great. I really appreciate your time in answering all of my questions and in the best possible clear terms. Thank you for your hard work and dedication :clap::clap::clap: wishing you all the best in this S4 Hackathon.

Just followed you on twitter. Looking to to explore more with you :sparkles::pray:


Glad to hear that I was able to clarify your doubts in clear terms. Thanks for the time to ask a question that will surely help everyone else to understand the project more clearly.

I am also looking to explore more with you :metal: :raised_hands:.


Hola @AJTREE como nuevo constructor en este Hackathon, me gustaría hacerte unas preguntas, para que nuevos usuarios que entren en el foro o personas interesadas en el mundo del vino puedan adentrarse a este mundo crypto.

  1. Explica brevemente tu proyecto.
  2. ¿ Por qué usarían los usuarios tu web ?
  3. ¿ Que la hace diferente de lo que se encuentra en el mercado ?
  4. ¿ Qué sigue a tu proyecto ?
    Gracias por las respuestas.

Gracias @antonio !!

Wine Vault is a fully managed fine wines fund that is tokenized. Think of index investing (S&P 500, FTSE 100 etc) but for the best wines in the world.

  1. Traditionally people invest in fines wines through building their own cellar with a cellar management company. It’s quite expensive to get started and requires you to decide what wines you want to buy. Wine Vault offers a model where our team does all the trading, storing & insuring the wines etc.
  2. If you are interested in investing in fine wines, Wine Vaults CORK token is for sure the easiest way to do it. Takes one trade on a DEX and you are in. Fine Wines are one of the best performing asset classes of the past 50 years so more and more people are interested in investing in them. It’s the getting started that has been hard and we are here to fix it.
  3. The CORK token and our whole managed fund model is what makes us unique. The CORK token has a secondary market but the price is still very stable thanks to the fact that all tokens are collateralized. Selling your wine investments has traditionally been a problem in the industry (seller fees etc) and that’s again something the token model solves. Wine Vault also keeps a 15% liquid reserve to ensure it doesn’t have to start selling wines if an investor wants to sell their tokens.
  4. We are getting ready to go live during the summer and just continue working on the project. Wine Vault isn’t a token that requires new investors to join in order to work so we have no hurry once everything is set up.

Our cellar valuation has increased 7% during 2023 and we are still in April. Join our Telegram if you are interested to hear more: Telegram: Contact @joinwinevault

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Gracias por su explicación, su proyecto ofrece unas buenas expectativas de inversión y novedad en el mercado.

Hola @Aurora como proyecto nuevo en este hackathon me gustaría hacerle unas preguntas, para los usuarios nuevos o personas que les interesa este mundo.

  1. Explique brevemente su proyecto.
  2. ¿ A qué usuarios pretende llegar?
  3. ¿ Qué tan fácil es su proyecto para una persona que empieza ?
  4. ¿ Que viene luego?
    Gracias por sus respuestas.

Let me answer:

  1. if energy demand is low, there will be a lower revenue and a lower rate of increase of the ERG/TRX exchange rate. Even with 0 energy sold, the voting rewards will contribute to the ERG price increase. In no case can ERG price decrease over time. Even when people withdraws TRX from the platform, burning ERG, the price will not be affected;
  2. This a problem that can be solved in several ways. As a community project we’ll partner up with other community dApps (JustMoney in this case) and open an ERG/TRX liquidity pool on their DEX. Users will be able to add liquidity and gain from the operations on the pool. In this way, the ERG token will always be liquid. The price of ERG on the secondary market will be ruled by arbitrage, so it might be a little different with respect to the “official” price shown on Ergon

If you need further explanations, I’ll be glad to help.

BTW, currently we have over 2M energy available on Ergon at the best rate on the market.


Hi @Youngyuppie ,
First of all thank you so much for playing this game.
Now regarding mobile game so all web3 features will be implemented in mobile version so same experience of Web user can play easily on mobile with higher performance. Mobile porting is already in process.


That is so great and I thank you for taking your time to explain your project strategy in details. Locking a minimum of let’s say $10 as you exemplified, I see it as a win-win strategy for both the project and the users. Talking about your mainnet, is there any ETA to the mainnet migration?

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Great… I’m glad to hear that the mobile version of the game is already in the works.

One more dummy question for you :smile: Are there any other features planned for the mobile version that will make it different from the web version?

Hola @Shabari como proyecto nuevo en este S4, me gustaría hacerte algunas preguntas, para que los usuarios nuevos o usuarios que decidan entrar en este mundo puedan comprender con facilidad.

  1. Explica con brevedad tu proyecto.
  2. A quién va dirigido
  3. ¿ Cómo beneficiará a los usuarios ?
  4. ¿Qué sigue luego ?
    Gracias por sus respuestas.
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Thank you very much for once again, giving a detailed and comprehensive answers to my questions. Noticed that the minimum energy amount to be rented at your platform is 250k energy. My suggestions:

  1. Can the team please reduce this further to 100k for newbie in the tron network be able to use your platform for their energy solution.

  2. I noticed that there is no estimated cost of renting energy in your platform, I would suggest that the team to work on this to give the potential renters the necessary information they would need about their energy rental before triggering the transaction (Just like in TronNrg, once a user put the amount of energy he would want to purchase, the system will show how much trx it will cost the user for the rental).


  1. Can you give us information on the jackpot you Integrated in your platform and how you run it?

  2. Though I have asked this question before but you didn’t remember to answer it. So I’m repeating the question again. If I provide energy in your platform and something happens that I need to swap back my ERG to TRX so urgently without waiting for the 15 days withdrawal period. Is there any strategy to facilitate this transaction in your platform?


  • I appreciate the fast pace at which your project is going within the tron community and would encourage you to keep developing, more user base will be achieved :blush: :clap::clap:

The roadmap is the following:
Chapter 1: Wallet installation - Already released
Chapter 2: Discovering of the basics (gas, transactions, minting NFT…) through the story - partially released (this is on the testnest, and will remain on the testnet for the newcomers to experiment in real conditions)
Chapter 3: Exploring the endless possibilities, showcasing protocols - On the mainnet - starting from June 2023 and onward. We will mostly use well-known external protocols (that we will showcase) to interact so there is no problem to use directly the mainnet. In a second phase we’ll also showcase less known, new protocols for the advanced users to be interested with our game.

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