Kattana <> Leading trading environment for DeFi

Project Name: Kattana

Project Track: Web3

Team Members: Ilya Demydonok - CEO at Kattana

Dmytro Bieliaiev - CTO at Kattana


Leading trading environment for DeFi. Entry point for global blockchain users.

Kattana - is a trustable cross-chain trading terminal for DEXs and CEXs.


Kattana plans to support Tron Chain, and see a major integration opportunity here:

Kattana will fully support Tron network - which means that each trade and each transaction will be recorded in Kattana database for further use.

Both within Kattana trading terminal itself (trading and analytical tools) and for providing specific data to third parties through the API (existing and future products on Tron network)

API example: https://data-api.kattana.trade/docs/The main goal for Kattana is to become a strategic infrastructure, data and development partner with Tron Ecosystem

From the very beginning, Kattana will integrate the work with DEXs built on Tron (such as SunSwap), as a first milestone.

Just after that, Kattana is planning to develop and release:

  • Real-Time toolkit (like IFTT - If This Then That) - it is a trigger service, where users/developers can set custom triggers and get notifications when the conditions are met.

  • Big Data toolkit - is a service with the help of which, according to custom requests, it is possible to access historical data for a specific date - price, trading volume, liquidity, etc.

  • Coin service - is a service that aggregates data for a specific token/coin and gives access to them via API (addresses of smart contracts, their features, etc. (e.g. Coingecko API)

  • Trading and analytical tools - bulk wallet’s p&l calculator, real trading volume checker, limit orders, trading chart layouts with user’s orders placed, etc.

In the case of Tron DAO, there is a need for developers to discover and interact with Tron, and its blockchain data.

Kattana tools and APIs offer the best and easy way to attract developers to Tron.

A big data provider (such as Kattana) is a very necessary infrastructure that becomes the entry point to the network for new developers and users as a result.

Kattana are working with data since and able to provide any requested information and its variations at the request of third-party developers, which can be used to create new Tron products that will accumulate the required pace of Tron development as a whole.

The result of this will be the attraction of users to Tron Network.

Last but not least:

Finally, The trading terminal is the very necessary infrastructure that becomes the gateway to the network for new traders.

Kattana already released the main product to the public which is operating on the mainnet with more than 270k active users monthly and this number is growing.

Kattana.io | Twitter


Are you planning on integrating with KyberSwap on the BitTorrent Chain as well? or the JustMoney Dex on Tron?

Your project looks great!


We’re so glad to share the news that, within this Hackathon, both TRON Network and BTTC will be fully supported by Kattana according to the details cited earlier


Excited to share: Kattana has deployed TRON node and started dev process.
Parser repo: GitHub - kattana-io/tron-blocks-parser: Tron parser for Kattana. Takes block meta info, puts block events structure


Where are the majority of your users coming from? Like which networks do they utilize?


At the moment, it can be observed a correlation between the total trading activity on the specific network and the number of users in Kattana who also trading at these networks - at the moment, BSC is the leader in the number of trades / time unit


Nice project it’s good to have you in Tron Blockchain


The update is here :zap:
Tron-events-parser project:

  • Main trading events are supported
  • Added Trongrid adapter
  • Added fiat converter, caches

What main trading events

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tokenPurchaseEvent, trxPurchaseEvent, snapshotEvent, listingEvent


Great idea! Trading Tool + charts for TRON and BTT is what I was looking for for a long time!


We’ve implemented Kyber DMM events on BTTC chain:


Looks interesting, as far as I know it is the first trading terminal for dexes. Good luck with the project, guys!


Great project guys! trading tool plus charts!


Project will make development process so much easier


Best wishes for the Hackathon… I like the idea, it’s great!

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Looks great! When will be your limit orders?

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very interesting. Are you planning to add @JustMoney as well ? what about the fees ?

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  1. Since Kattana supports Tron Network and BTTC, it’s open to integrating every DEXs built on it.
  2. Kattana is not collecting any additional fees from the users for the swaps

In order to support just.money we need a Pair abi and factory address, I would be grateful if @JustMoney shares it.

( I’ve send email to support@just.money )