miniMEME: A Tron Blockchain-Powered IoT Platform

Hi thank you for your question,

Yes your correct but future features can be notifications, and maybe even rewards for running the device might be possible to add to the project.

(But at the moment It is possible to run the optional miniMEME Chrome extension as stand alone tool (without a IoT device), it will than notify you with sound about newly added meme coins so you can make a timely buying decision but this is more a sub feature, intended for the server backend, but it can be used in that way as well.)

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Sweet . Iā€™m trying website rn!

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Hey @Techtek can you provide a brief test instructions? rn Iā€™m testing it I think I got esp


That will be great, on github is a readme, that should get you up and running, but in short:

  • Download Arduino IDE
  • Install the board
  • Make sure you can write the boards example sketch to the board
  • Check if it works as expected

After that download the miniMEME Github repo and extract the client folder, in it is the miniMEME.ino file this is the main program that you can open with the Arduino IDE. Once opened it shows the code and also depended files from that folder in tabs in the Arduino IDE.

Next is to download in the Arduino IDE a few specific libraries they are listed in the miniMEME github readme.

Once this is done your ready to upload the software to your board

( it will work most likely with other ESP32 boards, the board i used is a inexpensive widely available 15 dollar +/- Lilygo ESP32-S3 with build in screen but i think it will work on other ESP32 boards without much / any changes as long as the used screen also uses the populair TFT_eSPI library to talk to the screen. )


I really love the integration of IoT with blockchain.

I would love to see more than simply price shown! (which is similar with previous project entry Blink it)

Maybe a prove of how can IoT leverage on TRON blockchain!

I also love the 3d printed enclosure TRON logo :heart_eyes:

Good luck @Techtek


Thank you for your message and kind words,

I do want to explain to you that showing the price is a secondary function:

The focus with miniMEME is on displaying the new meme coin images on the device because the new ones hold the most artistic value, and next to the meme images the meme coin prices are shown of the big market cap meme coins. this is a secondary function.

(My Blinkit project is for Windows and (old) ESP8266 boards. Several versions have been released over time for the Steemit, Hive, Harmony, aeternity, Bitcoin Cash and Solana blockchain) Blinkit focuses on blinking the device and blinking other IoT devices when a blockchain change is detected, for example: Wallet transfer detected > do a blinking pattern action on a specified device. in some versions it does also show the coin price of that chain but it is a secondary function also in the Blinkit project.)

The biggest difficulty for the miniMEME project that the meme images on Sunpump have different extensions: JPG, GIF, PNG, and the file size can be up to 4MB! jet the device only has 8/16 MB of flash to store data, and we need to have some space left for the rest of the program and for hardcoded (byte array) interface images, icons etc.

To solve this the meme images from Sunpump need to be standardized / prepared for the device with smaller file size (around 15KB now) and lower resolution (170x170 to fit the screen) and fixed file names. this preparation and uploading is done by the miniMEME backend software.

The miniMEME device can fetch these smaller meme jpg images, and display them on the screen with the JPEG decoder library.

Wanted to make it more clear. :nerd_face:

I also like the 3d printed case might make it black later, at first i ordered a mass produced, plastic injection moulded enclosure but they had a stock missmatch, which resulted in total order delay, so instead i 3d printed a enclosure with Tron logo and ordered only the board. (otherwise i needed to wait for the restock.)

An ultimate goal, :pray: dont know if it can come into reach is to have a batch produced of these IoT boards in Tron style with Tron enclosure, that will create bigger exposure and bigger user base and will lead to more Tron IoT projects. this will be out of this world! :earth_asia: :sun_with_face:

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Really good minimeme


Thank you very much, and welcome to the forum!

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You didnā€™t order a 15 dollar ESP32-s3 board yet !? ā€¦but do you have a (old) mobile phone or other web browser capable device laying around?

Smartwatch :watch:, Smart TV :tv:, Tablet or Phone :iphone: ?

Probably you have multiple, and i thought it would be nice to repurpose them and turn them into a miniMEME picture frame preview device.

This resulted in a miniMEME :sun_with_face: Sunday development side quest :mage: to bring it to your old mobile devices, so you dont even need to spend 15 dollar on a ESP32 board to enjoy the meme art :art: with miniMEME!

I took the already made miniMEME simulator and made a [dedicated website] out of it.


  • Set the device to be always on (no sleep mode active to keep the screen on)
  • Plug in a charger
  • Orientate the device (in landscape)
  • bookmark / shortcut to miniMEME website
  • zoom to position the screen (if needed)
  • Put it on a stand (optional)

Your now ready to enjoy and be amazed by the MEME coin art that are passing by during the day.

If you enjoy it and want more features consider to buy the 15 dollar miniMEME board, but now you can try and enjoy miniMEME on a variety of your devices!

( keep in mind that at this moment the server is not 24/7 active because it is not yet running on a remote server so some part of the day new images are not being added )

>> Website <<



Disappointed of not seeing mimiMEME winning a prize :frowning: , the project is very original and about the hottest topic, memecoins.
I hope you keep building on it anyway!

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Hi @mehdidotcafe thank you for your message it is much appreciated! and i agree with you itā€™s indeed disappointing, specifically in this track, that this original idea could not win from a ā€œborrowedā€ / stolen project, and a unoriginal quiz idea, but maybe there is still a bonus price for miniMEME to win.

i agree with you itā€™s the hottest topic and miniMEME hooks into it, and itā€™s lots of fun to watch them slide by during the day on the tiny stand alone device, it keeps you in the loop!

i would also want to add the following summary:

  • Project is 100% open source, everything you see is functional, and original work and idea.

  • miniMEME server has been running on a old laptop for around 2, 3 months now, and has been preparing the biggest part of the day the latest memes for the tiny device!
    ( i will keep the server running, but i would have used the hackathon rewards to run the miniMEME Server 24/7 on a real external server. )

The miniMEME device has been running for around 2, 3 month now and has been showing Tron memes in the wild outside of Sunpump. Trump, Elon, Justin, cats, dogs and lots more of arty drawings have been passing by on the miniMEME frame which is a lot of fun!

What products are made for the miniMEME project?
ā€“ miniMEME server to prepare meme images
ā€“ Project website, with miniMEME simulator
ā€“ miniMEME IoT software for inexpensive ESP32-S3
ā€“ Latest addition is miniMEME Web a website version of the miniMEME software that you can use on any (old) (tiny) browser capable device to try miniMEME.

One man team:
Project development, Research, Coding, Testing, Design, Writing etc.

Lines of code made for the hackatron:
800+ miniMEME backend server software
700+ miniMEME website and simulator
700+ miniMEME.ino ESP32 version
450+ miniMEME web version

2650+ Total lines of code in the miniMEME project to make everything meme


Which projects are you pointing here?

TronXplore / Skyoffice

Vibe quiz



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Lol? How is it allowed @SimbadMarino @admin.hackathon @leohymon they only changed the color from green to red :smile:

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Skyoffice is also not mentioned in the Tronxplore Devpost introduction articleā€¦, so beside the forum, the Devpost judges are also mislead!

One would and should expect that if they copy and take so much of the original Skyoffice code, design and project idea you could have at least mentioned the original project in the introduction post(s), and they could have explained there why they would start with Skyoffice as a base to be open and transparant to the community, they could clearly point out what they improved upon in those articles as well, but they didnā€™t. they instead pretend it was their own project until it was found out and pointed out by @leohymon and even then they didnā€™t seem to understand the issue, and they didnā€™t care to update the Devpost article which would expose themselves.

i canā€™t suggest anyone to login or even interact with them for these reasons.

They should have been disqualified, or at least have a big amount of negative starting points, but instead they have not won 1, but 2 pricesā€¦

miniMEME updates:

miniMEME Website

The miniMEME website is now improved, the website featured a simulator with image of two hands holding a bare PCB device, which, while technical logic to show it there, it may have been less relatable and inviting for end users.

With the launch of the new miniMEME web version designed to run on any browser-capable device it made sense to refresh the landing page. The updated design now features familiar browser-capable devices alongside the miniMEME ESP32 IoT device but now housed in an enclosure, offering a more friendly and approachable look. (4)


miniMEME ESP32

The latest unreleased version for ESP32 boards that adds additional features will be uploaded to github and marked unstable.

The released version v0.73 for ESP32 boards is tested for around 2 months now and is stable and will be labelled Stable in the miniMEME Github repository.

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Great work team! :fire::fire::fire:

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Thank you very much !

The latest version V0.74 :sparkles: :framed_picture: of miniMEME for the ESP32 is ready and uploaded to the Github repository and its finally stable after some :bug: that was keep bugging and freezing the little device.

But the bug is now fixed :bug: :sparkles: :mans_shoe: !!! and the latest version is now more fast and super stable :fireworks: !!!

It has the following improvements:

  • Rock stable and faster because it now saves and load images directly from memory instead of the previous used spiffs file system that could lead to loading errors and freezes.

New features as announced and shown in the before posts

  • Added dedicated SUNDOG and BULL screens
  • Improved device Web interface