On Season 5 What are the favorite ones in each section?

I keep getting the notification that I can’t vote. It says.

“You need to be a member of trust_level_1,trust_level_2,trust_level_3,trust_level_4,Hackathon to vote in this poll.”

So what do I do to accomplish this?

Thanks mate, we are not just here for the hackathon but as a team who is lookong forward to actively to be involed in building dapps on tron ecosystem and being a tronic :raised_hands::muscle:

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Thanks for sharing your valuable opinion and inspiration man ur the best I’ll take a look to your suggestion

You have to spend some time on the forum, browse around and read several comments on several topics in all sections. Might take few hours.

Is there every year two seasons?

One of my favorite is LoopNFT, I like web3 projects that focus on music and they also integrate an interesting music software :musical_keyboard:

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Hello everyone, Ayushman this side, team leader of Web3 Sailors…

I’d like to draw all of your attention to our team’s project MeloSynthia AI. Check this out and if you like our project please vote for us here in the AI section!

We are also open to feedbacks, so please suggest us your suggestions!
One feedback we got from the tron community is that we should add the copyright checker and we are exploring & researching to add the same to our tune and lyrical ai feature!!

Thank you so much!!!

Most of the time they have two seasons a year

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I like the museum projects because of the idea mostly and on AI category its sad to see some of them look like each other

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I like justmoney on web3, zombieland on builder, dreamverser on artistry and trondevgpt on ai for past a few weeks tbh I see no one replied very certain haha


Very difficult question) So many good projects

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My pleasure! I guess I found out the answer thanks to @maaz and its fair tbh that projects can upgrade their projects and attend again


Saw a topic about it on chit-chat recently and everyone is just focused about the current season now haha but I’m also curious and I’m also curious about are there any chance for new sections to compete on hackathon since its already a very broad topic by itself. For example I’d love to see some more architectural, sports and art based projects in future as a personal opinion ofc maybe we should do a survey about it

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I’m just checking all of them and it seems like it’ll take some time there are too many projects this season and I like it so much to have this various projects and evaluate them good luck to all!

Okay :+1: it’s good to hear maybe on next season we can encounter some old friends on the hackathon category now that Season 5 is finished

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The ones without the bots… they are the real heroes


No favorites buddy, all the projects here are a go, we’d just let the team and judges decide which is top tier in the hierarchy. I’ve some that I’m personally rooting for but it’s best kept private, thank you!