Outre Finance by Kachi - Transforming finance through decentralization

Excited for project detailss looks interesting, have u been working on defi category before? looks like you got some knowledge, good luck mate :ok_hand:

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Hello team, please let me ask this. They have been so many cases of hacks recently. We do not know whether it is mis management from the team, team using users funds (EG: FTX case) or hackers doing their thing.

We’ve seen big projects losing huge funds due to these hacks, how well are you prepared for such cases. How are you going to protect users funds


When do you plan to share test platform, willing to see what you are creating. Project info creates a lot of attention, best to you


Hi, I’m not familiar with RoSCAs. Can you explain how it works and give a concrete example of that kind of system being successful? For the little I’ve just read it sounds like some kind of trust is needed. What if one borrows and don’t pay back? Is there a collateral? How big is the collateral compared to the borrowable amount?
What do you mean when you say your platform is like a companion to grow money? How will you accompanied users to grow money?


I think I can start by saying that Outre Finance will exist as an open source project and thus all our code will be open for community reviews. Also before our MVP launch (post this hackathon) we intend to procure contract audit services in order to at least ensure we are on the good side of things before launch.

We also intend to reduce the surface area of attacks through thorough user education after our launch. As users will be their own custodians of funds and keys, the best we can do is educate the user on how best to interact with our platform or apps with exposing or sharing their keys.


Working super hard, I plan to share the test app this coming week as I also make the submission to the hackathon. Keep your eyes peeled. :nerd_face:

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alright you are going to operate like a dex right? and also will there be any staking on your platform?


Hi @fabsltsa, In Kenya and Afrika in general RoSCAs are part of our everyday lives when it comes to staying financially resilient and facing financial shocks. So far this system has since been informal and is not structured in a financial product type of way. We as Outre finance are therefore coming in and offering to formalize this through our platform hopefully iron out problems that come with this being informal. The biggest underlying problem with RoSCAs is actually trust. You have to trust thet the one incharge of your finances will not embezzle or run away with funds. We intend to remove this burden of trust by bring this on chain, and have signatories rotated within the members in order to democratize ownership. I will elaborate more in my demos.

Our P2P loans will also not have collateral and infact this is how P2P works here, you lend someone you trust money and not just anyone. Our product, tried to match/recommend a good borrower to the lender by looking at their financial activity across our offerings. Also the borrowers will be offered loans on a growing limit basis such that the more reliable you are at repaying the more you can borrow later as your credit score improves.

Well a good companion shows you ways and educates you on how best to do things. As we are introducing DeFi to the unbanked we intend to offer education and also recommend them on good DeFi solution to grow their money.


No we do not intend to operate a DEX. Our aim is mainly looking at the best ways improved utilization of financial products that we see most of community is not using to their advantage for their daily lives. Our street food vendor is not worried about how Eth will perform but rather if the food they have will be sold out the end of the day, how will they grow their business and how can they make payments easy for their customers beyond cash. We are also asking is this vendor insured? both for them or their business?

This are the problems we are really looking to solve for our community. Once we have succeeded here and shown that Crypto can be useful in their daily lives, they can be recommended to 3rd party solutions that we might partner with in future.


Thanks for your answer!

So if I understand correctly the loan side will be for people who already know each others. So if one run away with the money he will get big troubles IRL :smile: It’s a good way to help people to lend out to friends who live in an other city without using expensive structures :+1:


It’d be awesome to try, just keep going. We trust you :people_hugging:


This is a very important and worthwhile project, as it has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of millions of people. Financial inclusion is essential for economic development and poverty reduction, and it is especially important in developing countries like those in sub-Saharan Africa.


If you borrow and you dont pay back and you are finally caught, u will get severe beatings. :joy::joy::joy:

Just kidding!!!

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So if you are my friend and i lend you money and decide to play smart. I will curse you with the gods, follow up to you home and beat you up and later call the police to arrest you on top.

There is nothing like free lunch here

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Damn, remind me to never borrow money from you :joy::joy::joy:


I wont remind you​:joy::joy::joy:
I just want u to forget and borrow so i can beat u up later. :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Careful, I’m black belt of Karaoke.

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Absolutely bro!
Absconding with a loan is a crime punishable by fists.

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and maybe even in asia too bro I’d like to see that in asia and middle east

Hahahah :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses: black belt Karaoke?? Is that even a thing??:rofl::rofl: